Community Suggestion Pride

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Suggestion Title: Pride
Suggestion Description: I know this might not be in fashion with this GMOD community, and I know it might cause a bit of backlash, but as a queer person I think it would be nice to include the Non-binary options in what gender you can choose and possibly pride options in shirts and such, since it's pride month! Maybe even optional pronouns that appear underneath your name if you wish to have them there. Even adding pins on shirts that include a lot of queer flags such as; pride flag, gay flag, lesbian flag, trans flag, nonbinary flag, bisexual flag, pansexual flag.. etc.

Why should this be added?:
- I think it would be nice to have representation for other queer people who join the server. It means a lot to LGBTQ+ people to know that a server accepts them and is an ally!

What negatives could this have?:
- The negatives that could come from this are obviously homophobic and transphobic individuals that are on the server, but that shouldn't be tolerated in the community in the first place. /lh

Useful Images:
The beauty of perp is you can roleplay however you want.

I am struggling to think of any time 'gender' is attached to anything, there is no he/she.

If you want to be non binary - do it. I dont think we need to add a feature to be more specific.

In terms of flags, why dont you make some yourself using the sign update? The dev team work hard to provide updates but this can be done by you in game placing pride flags!
The server has strict rules against discrimination, and lengthy bans for breaches of those rules make up a sizeable amount of the bans on the ban website. People who spout nasty shit either IC or OOC are usually laughed out of the room so to speak. Also, don't tell anyone in IA, but the best feeling is when you're arresting a sweater who starts spouting racist shit and you just shoot them, and nobody cares.

Something like a rainbow flag decal for shirts would be unobstructive and noncontroversial I feel, and I'm surprised it's not an option, however given the raging political debate surrounding the uh... trans issues, especially at this current moment, it would perhaps be best to avoid implementing things such as pronouns or non-binary stuff.

Also player models are built right now in such a way that it would be a nightmare to make any kind of fundamental changes to them.

I know the response to this argument might be that we should make PERP a welcoming place for LGBT+ etc. and that anyone who doesn't like it can get fucked, so to speak, but it's important to recognize that this community is comprised of people from all over western and eastern europe, parts of the middle-east, and more. We can't force what is primarily a liberal western ideology on people, especially when we have such a diverse community.

I think this sums it up nicely
I know the response to this argument might be that we should make PERP a welcoming place for LGBT+ etc. and that anyone who doesn't like it can get fucked, so to speak, but it's important to recognize that this community is comprised of people from all over western and eastern europe, parts of the middle-east, and more. We can't force what is primarily a liberal western ideology on people, especially when we have such a diverse community.
We are zero tolerance on discriminatory behaviour and I truly feel we already handle this matter correctly. I don't want to make a big song and dance over pride when I feel like people that fit into the LGBT+ category should feel comfortable in our community all year round without the need to celebrate it for an entire month. The idea of new shirt decals in-game is cool, I will try to remember that one for next year.

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