Rule Suggestion (1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour)

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Suggestion Topic: 1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour
Suggestion Description: Using the "gay" term as an offensive slur should be against the server rules.

Why should this be added?:
Using the term "gay" as an offensive slur is not only hurtful and disrespectful, but it also perpetuates discrimination and prejudice against a particular group of people based on their sexual orientation. There are several compelling reasons why we should not use the term "gay" in such a derogatory manner:

Promotes Discrimination: Using "gay" as an offensive term contributes to the marginalization and discrimination of LGBTQ+ individuals. It implies that being gay is something negative or shameful, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and stigmatizing an entire group of people.

Harms Mental and Emotional Well-Being: Derogatory language like this can have a severe impact on the mental and emotional well-being of individuals who identify as gay. It can lead to feelings of shame, self-doubt, and even depression, further isolating them from society.

Undermines Respect and Empathy: Respect and empathy are fundamental principles of a diverse and inclusive society. Using the term "gay" in a derogatory manner erodes these principles by normalizing disrespect and intolerance.

Perpetuates a Cycle of Prejudice: When people use slurs like "gay" to insult or demean others, it perpetuates a cycle of prejudice. This behavior can be passed down through generations and becomes ingrained in society, making it harder to break free from discriminatory attitudes.

Hinders Open and Honest Conversations: Using "gay" as an offensive term can create an environment where people are hesitant to discuss important issues related to sexual orientation and LGBTQ+ rights. It can discourage open, honest conversations that promote understanding and acceptance.

Legal and Ethical Consequences: In many places, using such slurs can have legal consequences, including being considered hate speech or harassment. Promoting an inclusive and respectful society is not only the right thing to do ethically but also a legal requirement in many jurisdictions.

Promotes Bullying: Offensive language can be used as a weapon to bully and demean LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly in schools and online. This can have devastating consequences, including self-harm and suicide among young people who feel isolated and unsupported.

Stifles Personal Expression: When people are afraid of being insulted or discriminated against because of their sexual orientation, it can stifle their ability to express themselves honestly and openly, limiting their personal growth and happiness.

In conclusion, using the term "gay" as an offensive slur is not only disrespectful but also perpetuates discrimination and harm against LGBTQ+ individuals. It is essential to create an inclusive and accepting society where all individuals are treated with respect, regardless of their sexual orientation. By refraining from using such slurs and actively promoting acceptance and understanding, we can work toward a more inclusive and compassionate server by banning the word enterly. "Just as we did with the highly offensive term 'n*gger'.

Personally, I know a few people on the server who are secretly homosexual but are not comfortable showing their true nature to others because they are afraid of being bullied.

I believe that taking steps to improve our rules can make the server a more enjoyable place for everyone. Times change, and so should our server.

What negatives could this have?:
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Metagaming in discord with the boys
Bro me saying something is gay without context is not going to affect you, calm down keyboard warrior. If someone is using it offensively towards you it's already against the rules. Someone saying "well that's gay" its basically just the same as someone saying something is stupid or retarded. If someone is targeting you specifically just report them. it already falls under homophobic rules. Straight up outlawing a word even without context is dangerous. Gay also has another term non related to you, it means happy or gleeful. The reason the N word is not allowed period is because it only has one definition, and it's based on a race.
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