Give Patrol some love: nice-to-have features


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I think the Patrol division should have a couple "exclusive" "nice-to-have" features, to enhance our ability to RP.
Here's a list of random ideas I recently got. Please, add yours as a reply!

I curated these, as I believe it's very tricky to balance new additions to Police.
My changes would mostly be visual or at least not related to fire power or tactical advantages.

I also thought about suggesting making non-traffic vehicles unavailable to RTU, but I'm unsure about it. What do you think?

New Patrol features​

1. Tools for investigations​

1.A. Evidence markers​

Patrol already has an exclusive cone, but I don't feel like it's appropriate for the duties we are expected to focus on.
Add a new, Patrol-exclusive, dynamic barricade to serve as an evidence marker, that automatically displays an auto-incrementing number (increases every time an evidence marker is placed in the area)

Positives: making sure officers don't forget about evidence, easier to communicate which evidence you're referring to ("don't confiscate evidence 3"), looks cool!


2. Crowd control tools​

Instead of having repetitive cone models, add more barricades specifically useful for patrol duties such as crowd control or crime scene perimeter duties.

2.A. Crime scene barrier​

Add a Patrol-exclusive barricade like the road closed one, but blue, with a different message, the same weight, and allow us to place 4 of them.

Positives: I'm already using road closed signs looking inward (to not show the text) most of the time. This would be less jarring to see, and still as useful.
Negatives: officers could use these to block roads, abusing the weight they have. (could be mitigated by patrol policy)

2.B. Police line tape​

Add a special type of barricade that spawns a rope between two somewhat close points selected by the officer, and that instead of acting as a blocking prop acts like police tape (no collision box). Any officer could pick it up by pressing ALT+E, as usual. Could be attached to two points, that could be props, barricades, walls, vehicles, etc. The rope would not exert any force to the attached points. (If the rope is stretched too much, it would break)

Positives: looks cool! Easier to mark bigger areas, but at the same time with the drawback that they don't actually block movement (balanced!)
Negatives: could be used unprofessionally to draw inappropriate stuff. Could confuse drivers approaching it, thinking it can't be bypassed.


2.C. Megaphone
Add a SWEP that would make the officer holding it have greater voice projecting range, useful to warn people inside a property to come to the door, or to disperse a crowd. Make it play a slight sound effect when turning on/off, as well as sending an automatic /me. Add it for CPL+. To not fill inventories, this could be added to the trunk of the officer's car.

Positives: could open the door to trying to resolve situations when the people inside don't look at chat or /yell.
Negatives: abusable and annoying, so I suggest CPL+. More stuff to fill the Q menu.


Please reply below with your opinions or Patrol suggestions!
A tool that lets you examine a weapon (how many bullets, fingerprints, etc.) Could be available to Senior Officers+ in patrol and Sgt+ in Traffic.
dude a fucking megaphone would be cool as shit (i definitely wouldn't misuse this), jokes aside this would be useful i get sick of repeating myself. +1 the tape would be cool also due to the fact that it tells ppl to fuck off from crime scenes rather than using other props to block shit off.
A tool that lets you examine a weapon (how many bullets, fingerprints, etc.) Could be available to Senior Officers+ in patrol and Sgt+ in Traffic.
Seeing the new buddy menu, why not add a new one to weapons, for (all) Police, that checks: whether or not the weapon was recently fired (is it hot), how many bullets left. This menu would contain a third option to confiscate.
I give a massive + for this suggestion, this would all be cool and great to have. Especially the tape and the megaphone.
A tool that lets you examine a weapon (how many bullets, fingerprints, etc.) Could be available to Senior Officers+ in patrol and
I think this should be available to everyone, especially since no matter what division your in(Traffic or Patrol) you will end up dealing with firearms situations, Especially when your Whitelisted TFU. As i don't really see a way this could be abused. But i may not be looking into it properly.
Man, the megaphone is a great idea for hostage negotiations. Those cones and tape would help significantly with a lot of things. I really hope this stuff is considered
There comes a comnundrum where you guys all need to just accept that RTU officers are simply officers equipped to deal with traffic sits. The reality is, you dont apply for patrol therefor you shouldn’t receive that much more benefits.

The biggest benefit of Patrol is the ability to become a Patrol trainer which is one the most proactive and helpful subdivisions in terms of general performance management.

The benefit of patrol should remain that there’s no actual obligations to be a member of it.
There comes a comnundrum where you guys all need to just accept that RTU officers are simply officers equipped to deal with traffic sits. The reality is, you dont apply for patrol therefor you shouldn’t receive that much more benefits.

The biggest benefit of Patrol is the ability to become a Patrol trainer which is one the most proactive and helpful subdivisions in terms of general performance management.

The benefit of patrol should remain that there’s no actual obligations to be a member of it.
Maybe but it doesn't have to apply to just patrol tho. This stuff is perfect for all divisions if need be. it's a nice quality of life upgrade
I like all of your's ideas. I'm a bit frightened of the megaphone, although if locked behind a rank as you mentioned, advantages of implementing it could overweight downsides.

Furthermore, In my opinon both the megaphone and evidence cones are so versatile policing tools, that they should be avaliable to every officer (at appropriate rank), regardless of the division. I however agree that evidence tape & crime scene baricade could be only avaliable to patrol officers.
Seeing the new buddy menu, why not add a new one to weapons, for (all) Police, that checks: whether or not the weapon was recently fired (is it hot), how many bullets left. This menu would contain a third option to confiscate.
This is a great suggestion, you should make a seperate suggestion or add it to this suggestion!
A tool that lets you examine a weapon (how many bullets, fingerprints, etc.) Could be available to Senior Officers+ in patrol and Sgt+ in Traffic.
This would make 0 sense when you think about it:
* Does this mean traffic officers don't know how many bullets are in a gun? Or they don't know what's hot or not.
* Does this mean that you do /me until you reach a certain rank or are a certain division??