Ingame name:Stepheni brook.
Steam Name: Retarded Noob might change.
Steam ID: Oh god here: STEAM_0:1:28987939
Total playtime: 1 week+ I swear i'll become active since woodz bein online.
Are you a VIP: Yes i buy vip with ingame money.
List of all cars you own: Hummer H1 And a citroen.
When are you mostly online?: Dunno, Weekends, Holidays.
In which organizations have you been: Loads, Ill try listing the firsts ones.
The Corleone family,
Eddies org,
And some more.
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Ermm, I don't really rememeber, But i like killing people toturing kidnapping.
Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: No god dayym org, Its a load of time ago since i was last online, I just kinda you know rejoin the commuinty, And stuff, Well, Aslong i don't sit and do nothing at all, I just want a org so i can DO something in my free time, That doesn't inclucude killing innocent of civilans (payday)
Or just doing something, Like clockwork getting beated down by combines, Attempting to make a hammer, And become a loyaltist, But yeah, I hope i will get accepted.
Heres my charectors story.
She was born and raised in Mongolia, She fastly learned how to steal from people, Pickpocketing, And she was nearly always in trouble, When she was 17 her familly asked her to join a journey to China, But she refused,
She had friends and why should she leave them, Also she oftenly stole from unknown people, Rarely from people who she knew, After a year of doing pickpockets and living the crime life, Then someday her village were taken
over, And she HAD to move away from her home village. She got somehow got though the mountains, Hijacked a car, Began driving, And after some years of driving though Europa, She made it to Sweden, Which she met her familly,
Again, She was extreamly happy when it happend, But they also wanted to find a nice and "safe" city, They began creating a boat, While she was doing as she was doing, Pickpocketing, Burglary, Vandialsim, Assaults, And mugs,
She earned a "little" cash, By hijacking cars too, But a day while she was doing a burglary, And she though the owner wasn't home, But apparently he was, She got spotted and, The man pointed a gun at her,
Her senses began to act quickly and fast, She ran into him, Then she attempted to push his gun away, She wasn't that strong of a person, But was quickly on her feets, The man quickly took the run and took the safety off,
And said, "Say your last words" She said "Die" And he was just about to shoot, Then he get pushed to the side, By a person, She had no idea who it was, But she quickly grabbed a kitchen knife, And stabbed him 18 times,
In his stomach, Afterwards she began being insane, Rude, And just generally insane, She ran away, Since the cops where on her trails of that murder, She quickly sold all the stuff she gathered, Expect for the knife,
And some money, She bought a boat, Quickly sailed away on the way to England without her familly, She kinda did the same thing in England but the things was.. Diffrent, She joined a big orgianastation, And popped a
load of peoples, She began learning how to use a Berreta m9, But the thing she was best at was melee weapons, Quickly on her feets, Insane, Inhumane, After a few months she left the org, Due to that she killed 5 memebers.
Though the org was after her she managed to escape, With her boat and recipe how to craft a berreta m9, But she lost her knife, But she attempted knife which ended up in a few burn wounds, But she managed to find a nice
city, Called Paralake (V2

Well she heard rumors that her sister, Seiko was there, But when she came, None had heard from her for days, She is assuming shes dead, Or something. T.B.C
Nock' Nock'