La Cosa Nostra - Applications

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Ingame name: Jesse Zaiger
Steam Name: Leffe
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30403235
Total playtime: 3 weeks +
Are you a VIP: soon again
List of all cars you own: porsche carrera gt
When are you mostly online?: whole day since my education starts this summer. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon i'm in the gym for like 1 hours that's the only thing
In which organizations have you been: Hitmen Royale (leader), Crescendo and Zaiger family (co-leader)
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: shooting, building and tactics
Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: There is nice people, my old and some newer friends like Alabin Steve, Victor, Johnny and Max. I can offer my help for the organization and also the org seems like allot of fun
Ingame name: Kenneth Walker
Steam Name: Creepis
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34016459
Total playtime: 1 Month++
Are you a VIP: Yes (Runs out on the 12th of January 2015)
List of all cars you own: Double upgraded Volvo 242 Turbo (Getting a Ford GT 05 as soon as I got the money for it)
When are you mostly online?: As of holidays, I can be on at any time (except night).At the 7th, where the holidays end, I am mostly on from 2PM-7PM UCT +1
In which organizations have you been: Lots.
  • Skinheadbande
  • Belinsky Family ("1st Generation", with Viktor Belinsky)
  • Belinsky Family ("2nd Generation", with Liam Belinsky)
  • Paralake Services
  • Autobahn Motor Club
  • And mostly other organisations, that I cannot remember, or I was only in for 1 day.
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: I love building defences, aswell as defending.I am a decent shooter and got some rifle experience by my ex S.W.A.T times, aswell as criminal times.As for crafting, I am only Firearms Level 40, but I look forward to increase it.
Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: I've known Robin for some time now, and I would like to be part of his organisation, aswell as some others that are currently in the organisation.As for other reasons, I like to be together with people, being alone is fairly boring, and as this is a criminal based organisation, basing together is always great.
Ingame name: Pan Dovah

Steam Name: Marsie

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5953040

Total playtime: 1 week+

Are you a VIP: I were a VIP, but I'm definately going to buy it again.

List of all cars you own: Upgraded Mazda RX-8

When are you mostly online?: On my freetime I mostly play on the server.

In which organizations have you been: The Zaiger Family.

What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: I'm a good marksman, can plan out strategies and keep calm instead of panicing in total chaos. I'm very loyal to the organization and the members in it. I also can supply the group with different weapons as I've got Firearms 28 and I'm usually very nice and gladly gives away money/weapons to the one in need.

Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: Well, I want to because The Zaiger Family has been abandoned and I need a new organization, but the main reason is that I've got some friends in The Virtuous, like Steve Cockerel, Max Zaiger and Jesse Zaiger. And there's alot of action going on in the organization that I really want to join in on.
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Ingame name: Roy Thompson
Steam Name: [NL] Roy
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56732169
Total playtime: 1 week total playtime, but im active in the community longer then that.
Are you a VIP: Yes, i am.
List of all cars you own: Mazda RX-7 and a Ford Transit.
When are you mostly online?: Almost everyday, and like 3 to 5 hours every day.
In which organizations have you been: Corleone Family, Crescendos, and others that i dont remember and i were in a long time ago.
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Well, i dont really have a 'skill' But i can shoot pretty well, im not a really high firearms level, (21, Still working on it) but i can craft some guns and building props and im a oretty good raider.
Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: I mostly want to join this organization because then i can make some more Ingame friends, and Raid/Base/Grow with people in my org. I can be trusted by everyone in my org, i will never betray anyone, and most of my friends are in this organization. I'm a loyal person, and i will obey all orders by higher members.

Backstory of my character, (Its not a big story)
Roy Thompson, the youngest boy in the family, His parents never wanted him, and never loved him. His brothers and sisters never even talked to him, so Roy decided to walk away. So, he ran away. after 2 years of being homeless and living on the streets, Roy saw this beautifull women, and he spoke to her. He was in love. a year or 2 later, he married with the women. He now had a home, a big, big, home.. Roy was poor so he needed to make money. His wife told him to talk to the people behind the City Hall, so he did. that was when Roy started to do illegal things, first it was just simple robberies, but later he broke into houses, and even later he robbed a bank.. He was no longer the poor guy that was living on the streets, but the big criminal, Owning the streets.
Ingame name: Nothelle Polis
Steam Name: Nothelle
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59733085
Total playtime: 2 week
Are you a VIP: Yes
List of all cars you own: Hummer H1
When are you mostly online?: Well I may have been inactive for a while over the Christmas holidays due me being in hospital and family issues, but I will make the time to come on and play regularly.
In which organizations have you been: CommonWealth(Second In Command) and GoodFella's(Trained Soldier).
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: My crafting skill is: 7 | My Shooting skill is: I have no idea where to locate this skill? | Building skill: Now this is made up..
Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: Well I was previously in the CommonWealth and as you probably may well know that we have been told to merge with The Virtuous, but I do want an organization I can feel trusted, and respected and all those members have joined this organization, so I guess those are the main reason why I want to join this organization.

Note: I do have to go back to hospital just for a couple more days Saturday but I will be on as much as I can.
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Ingame name: James PeterSmith
Steam Name:The-Devils-Son
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:25360316
Total playtime:3 Weeks
Are you a VIP: MOD
List of all cars you own: Lamborghini miura
When are you mostly online?: Like everyday
In which organizations have you been: I was part of Micheal bishops org
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: pretty much all the same. I AM GOOD IN HIGH SPEED CHASES i can easly run form police in my sports car
Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: I want to help this gang become a better place the police killed my mum and dad and the reason they say is "Classified" and i dont want revenge on the officer but i want justice surved. Also allot of my friends have joined the org and i feel that i can help and hopefully become trusted with you guys that's if i get accepted.
  • Ingame name: Alez Zaigar
    Steam Name: xAl3xTh3Sn0wM4n
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:71196251
    Total playtime: 2 weeks nearly 3
    Are you a VIP: Yep
    List of all cars you own: Black Mitsubishi
    When are you mostly online?: Weekends. But i play all week :D
    In which organizations have you been: Zaigar, Drugs INC, The Mafia, The virtuous (was kicked)
    What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Level 15 firearm, im a good shooter/raider.
    Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: I need an oraganization, someone i can trust, a good and powerfull, loyal organization, i am loyal to my fellow org members, i follow all rules, this would be an great oppertunity for me.
  • KICKED: I was kicked from virtuous, and i would really like a second chance, i have some good friends in the org, i was kicked for talking to police, and just feel like i want to try to go for another chance. I really like this org, and i hope i will be allowed another chance.
Ingame name: Mitch johnsen
Steam Name: Draftking
Steam ID:
Total playtime: 4 wks
Are you a VIP: not yet
List of all cars you own: fort f100 and scion frs
When are you mostly online?: weekly but most weekends
In which organizations have you been: Meber and leader of The outlaws
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: I am busy with crafting but shooting is a a good skill
Why do you want to join The Virtuous?:
I was looking for more members for my organisation but i heard this org opened again so i tought it would be nice to join this org with most of my organisation mambers.
    • Ingame name: Garrett Woodfield
      Steam Name: xAl3xTh3Sn0wM4n
      Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:71196251
      Total playtime: 2 weeks nearly 3
      Are you a VIP: Yep
      List of all cars you own: Black Mitsubishi
      When are you mostly online?: Weekends. But i play all week :D
      In which organizations have you been: Zaigar, Drugs INC, The Mafia, The virtuous (was kicked)
      What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Level 15 firearm, im a good shooter/raider.
      Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: I need an oraganization, someone i can trust, a good and powerfull, loyal organization, i am loyal to my fellow org members, i follow all rules, this would be an great oppertunity for me.
Ingame name: Jennifer Sanches
Steam Name: Spooky The Cat
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63938613
Total playtime: 1 week+
Are you a VIP: Yes.
List of all cars you own: Mini Cooper
When are you mostly online?: All days every week. But mostly on weekends.
In which organizations have you been: Men in blood, The Gratzianos etc. Like 5 or more.
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: My skill is Crafting, Shooting and making up plans.

Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: I want to join the virtuous because i would be a great asset for the org in many ways, Such as doing jobs and tasks or just helping out in a good way for the org. The Virtous seems like a serious organization that doesn't make mistakes like many org's do.
I would also like to join the Virtous to meet new people that i wouldn't shoot me or tell me to go die as fast as i talked to them.
I will always have my loyalty, soldidarity and protection to this org, Whatever happens i will be there to help out in the best way i can.

My characters story:
She was born in and raised in a big town called Evocity.
She lived a happy life in that city until the thing that hurt her so much she almost went crazy.
She found out that her parents had been put in jail for attempted murder on her little brother Jimmy.
She couldn't stay in that city with her horrible parents anymore so she moved to a new fresh town called Paralake city.
Sadly the first day she got there she were mugged. Everything was gone. Her money, Her car... Everything.
So Jennifer couldn't take it anymore so she contacted a man called Gustavo Smith witch supplied her with weapons and all kinds off armoury. She immidiately tracked down her mugger.... Took him out to the the forest and put 1 bullet in his arm, 2 bullets in his leg and 3 in his chest, The last one in her mag she put in the middle of his eyes. She stole his bank card and took his phone and he had actually put his bank code in there. She went happy again, but not in a normal way..... in a crazy way. And what she didn't know was that the person she killed was in a big organization.
She and her new friend Gustavo and many others fighted that day, Many lives were terminated for no reason.
Thats when everything went to hell.....

Why am i always the one that never gets answered? @Robin Ljungberg
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Ingame name: Dmitrii Ermakovich
Steam Name: [PH] ErmakDimon
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:50947970
Total playtime: ~2 weeks
Are you a VIP: yes
List of all cars you own: none, saving money for a normal one
When are you mostly online?: evenings, whole day on weekends
In which organizations have you been: PN racing or something like that, Russian Mafia, The Steamed Mafia
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: I have low crafting skills, high shooting, decent building
Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: I have been looking for an organization for months now, I wish to help you with the stuff and gain a little help from you too. Due to my recent experience in law enforcements, I know how they work and can handle the heat in many situations. I can also protect the base if we get raided and I can grow well too. There are many good people in this organization and I wish to be one of them.
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Ingame Name: James Lund
Steam Name: Ugly
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55346651
Total Playtime: 6 Days
Are you VIP?: Yes
List of Cars: Black Ford Transit, candy metallic midnight purple Hudson Hornet with a gold trim
When are you mostly online?:3 - 9 eastern time
In which organizations have you been: none
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Driving, Growing
Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: I'm looking for a serious org that can teach me skills like shooting and planning a crime. crime is the only way to make money fast and i want to live in the fast lane. But more importantly i'm looking for friends that will stand by my side when the cops blow down the door.
Hope to hear from you soon
Yours Truly: James Lund
Ingame name: Chris Blackburn
Steam Name: IAK
Steam ID: not needed :P
Total playtime: 2 weeks
Are you a VIP: Yea
List of all cars you own: Audi TT 2007, I will get a Mercedes SL65 very soon
When are you mostly online?: On the weekends, but I'm always online
In which organizations have you been: Grow INC, Armenian
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Shooting, succeeded in a bank robbery all alone. Headshotted 3 cops and killed a SWAT easily. Crafting, I am level 90 Firearms, I always craft weapons and always the ak-47.
Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: I want to join an organisation with strong will power, and a good repuation. I'm really looking forward to join the organisation and prove that it is worth it.
Ingame name:John Sugavi
Steam Name:[PH]Sugavi
Steam ID:
Total playtime: 1 month

Are you a VIP:YES
List of all cars you own:Porsche 977 GT3,Cadillac Escalade
When are you mostly online?:everyday
In which organizations have you been:Many,the big ones.
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:Everything. (lvl 100 firearms,MG1 at CS:GO)
Why do you want to join The Virtuous?:My friend told me that this org is back and he wanted me to join,and I said " why not?"
and basiclly I just wanna join to help people out and have fun :D
Ingame name: Liam Belinsky
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
Total playtime: 1 Month
Are you a VIP: Yeah
List of all cars you own:
When are you mostly online?: Not sure
In which organizations have you been: Godfather of Belinskys. A founder of Crescendo.
What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: All of the above. I'm the elite.
Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: I'd like to offer my services to this organization in order to become THE one and ONLY elite.

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The Virtuous Application -
Hi there, i'm quite impressed by this organisation and thus leading me to create this application to help out the organisation in anyway I feel I can. I hope you don't mind that this application is shorter than usual, I feel that I write too much for them.

Ingame Name:
My in-game name is Zack Robberts.

Steam Name:
My steam name is Zan.

Steam ID:
My steam ID is STEAM_0:1:46619422

Total playtime:
So far, I have played for almost 3 weeks however I am not too certain about this.

Are you a VIP:
Yes, I am a VIP member.

List of all cars you own:
I currently own a blue Holden HSV GTS, a yellow Scion TC and a hot-rod red Mini Cooper 1969.

When are you mostly online?:
Usually, I am online after school (around 4:20pm GMT) for around 4 hours unless I have other things to do at this time.

In which organizations have you been:
I have not been in very many organisations, however select few are the Paralake Army, Harpers, Gentlemen and I have sent in an application for the Armenians but this will soon be closed.

What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:
My crafting skill is not great being that I do not craft very often, I will work hard to change this.
My shooting skill is also not great but it has been enough for taking care of raids and taking out people who piss me off. My building skill is extremely low due to never really needing to build however my driving level is at peak, stamina is at peak, swimming is at peak, unarmed combat is completely maxed and my thieving skills (lock-picking and such) are near max. I have over half the allowed genetics and will be improving over time.

Why do you want to join The Virtuous?:

The virtuous is an organisation which I have been quite impressed by recently thanks to it's great structure, memorable members and it's simple and easy presentation which is easy to follow. They make it simple to get around which I respect. I am looking forward to joining the Virtuous simply because they look like a quite powerful organization which I can help out however I can. There is not much I need say about this, the Virtuous are simply an amazing organization with good connection, I would like to get on their good side and remain that way.
Thankyou for reading.​
In-game name: Dylan Smith (Changing it to Eryk Grabkowski soon)

Steam Name: Mr. Revenge

Steam ID:

Total playtime: 2 Days

Are you a VIP: No

List of all cars you own: Mini Cooper 1969

When are you mostly online?: Weekends

In which organizations have you been: The Paralake Army + The Steamed Mafia

What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Shooting 1, Building 1, Crafting 1, Driving 5,

Why do you want to join The Virtuous?: I made your new logo and I really want to join this org to help it grow. I think I'll help out a lot, I usually like staying at base and guarding the entrance with my weapon. I did try to rob a bank alone before it did work until I was trapped in the vault and when I came out I was surrounded by the SWAT Team. I love being sneaky and would always help out in a raid as a getaway if you ever need me, anyway this org seems nice and it did take over the territory of my old org "The Paralake Army". I do have 77K in my bank if you ever want to borrow money for anything. I also got 5 full Beretta Magazines in my storage if you need ammo. I'm not new to the server, I've played since August 2014 but I only play on the weekends that's why I have 2 days on my in-game time. My shooting is ok but I will improve. I also had my own organization called The Steamed Mafia. I can help in a bank robbery by lying to the police by saying that they have escaped and then when they walk away I shoot them right in the back. I plan to sell my crap Mini Cooper and buy a Pickup Truck for bank robberies and raids. I will gladly wear your Uniform if you ask me too. Thank you.
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