Aqua You The Man

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Look Aqua When We First met I honestly felt like you were a duchebag and i didn't like you, over time you have shown me over and over again your not a bad guy and it was me who was the bad guy and i was in the wrong majority of the time and now that I have a a lengthy amount of time to think about it, your 100% right about me being the wrong and acting like a child /idiot like i did in the past you gave me a chance to prove my self and I respect that full heartily, thank you for giving me the chance to change my actions and I'm glad we are friends now and continues to be friends and have good adventures together. 24k triad and Salamanca On Top, Stay blessed mate.
Aqua your a Decent Lad from the few weeks of me knowing your existence. bit unfortunate i received the other end of your ban hammer 1689980654883.png