Unlikely Suggestions

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So I was looking at the denied and current suggestions made for the devs and owners to take a look at and I had a thought. What are some suggestions that sound fantastic as an idea but in practice would be annoying or wouldn't work. I'll start! Mine would be a detachable stretcher for EMS. The function would be that the person on it and in the ambulance can halt their death meter for a while longer. I realized however that it's very impractical gameplay-wise and difficult as hell to code properly.

What about you guys? What ideas have you had but felt...that it just wouldn't work?
perma death, if u die u get perm banned = best way to enforce 3.6

Some genuine ideas:
  • Bring back queue and academy server
  • F4 menu with thief job so we can roleplay better
  • Make firefighting far more realistic; updating fire department vehicles and giving them ladders and shit
  • Introduce a city worker job where they go around and fix shit around the city or something
  • Idk how but make the mayor have more control over the city and far more fun to play as
  • Economy wipe (lol everyone gna leave)
  • Add cooking (if I want to make a tiramisu I should be able to)
  • Revamp old mcuwees to actually have a function drive thru n shit
  • Give me Developer I'll do all of this tonight i cant code for shit
perma death, if u die u get perm banned = best way to enforce 3.6

Some genuine ideas:
  • Bring back queue and academy server
  • F4 menu with thief job so we can roleplay better
  • Make firefighting far more realistic; updating fire department vehicles and giving them ladders and shit
  • Introduce a city worker job where they go around and fix shit around the city or something
  • Idk how but make the mayor have more control over the city and far more fun to play as
  • Economy wipe (lol everyone gna leave)
  • Add cooking (if I want to make a tiramisu I should be able to)
  • Revamp old mcuwees to actually have a function drive thru n shit
  • Give me Developer I'll do all of this tonight i cant code for shit
The firefighter one. I keep thinking of ideas for them as I want to give them more reasons to be active.

When it comes to the mayor stuff, I think one of the admins made a suggestion for policies giving more reason to hate the mayor other than just taxes which makes sense to me. And maybe for once people can be divided on what they want for mayor. That's not a bad idea

Though what do you mean by the academy and queue server. What is that?
i was thinking the other night wouldn’t it be cool if when you go to the fuel tanks at the petrol station, click on it and a little fuel nozzle drops that you need to attach to the back of your car and then you can manually top your car up. however i don’t think there’d be much interest in that idea and it’d probably end up being a waste of time..
i was thinking the other night wouldn’t it be cool if when you go to the fuel tanks at the petrol station, click on it and a little fuel nozzle drops that you need to attach to the back of your car and then you can manually top your car up. however i don’t think there’d be much interest in that idea and it’d probably end up being a waste of time..
I totally see it, though even if it's a serious RP server. I remember being told by higher staff(like head of admins or community managers) that generally its still a video game. We just take the situations seriously. Also imagine if it fucks up with coding and has physics problems or glitches. That would be a nightmare, I've seen it happen in older RP servers over the years
I totally see it, though even if it's a serious RP server. I remember being told by higher staff(like head of admins or community managers) that generally its still a video game. We just take the situations seriously. Also imagine if it fucks up with coding and has physics problems or glitches. That would be a nightmare, I've seen it happen in older RP servers over the years
yeah mate that one didn’t make it past the drawing board but it was a fun thought, i doubt it’d really make sense in the game
I got a nice one:

- Make headshots blackscreen instantly

For RP sake it makes way more sense if you get shot in the head by near all guns that you're really dead. But it would benefit criminals massively. Imagine raiding a place, taking all the druggies and getting HS. Would mean you get to keep all the druggies and make suicide raiding worth it way more. It would also make cops prioritize not going for headshots if they want to make arrests.
I got a nice one:

- Make headshots blackscreen instantly

For RP sake it makes way more sense if you get shot in the head by near all guns that you're really dead. But it would benefit criminals massively. Imagine raiding a place, taking all the druggies and getting HS. Would mean you get to keep all the druggies and make suicide raiding worth it way more. It would also make cops prioritize not going for headshots if they want to make arrests.

POV: confronting the player who shot me in the back of the head with a desert eagle and ran off 2 minutes prior for no discernible reason whilst I was mid conversation with a paramedic.
car liveries, having the r34 have 4 seats cause the model literally has 4 seats, gang sprays to own territory and turf for orgs to fight over, Jewelry store robbery, Better bank robbery possibly having a minigame, hostage alternative for bank that involves roleplay interaction that leads to a highspeed chase and maybe a shootout if crims dare to avoid apprehension while they're fleeing from the 211-a instead of just being strictly a team deathmatch with non-satisfactory pay.
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if you do decide to do a realistic firefighting update or ems update, id be happy to give my input since i do that for a living
car liveries, having the r34 have 4 seats cause the model literally has 4 seats, gang sprays to own territory and turf for orgs to fight over, Jewelry store robbery, Better bank robbery possibly having a minigame, hostage alternative for bank that involves roleplay interaction that leads to a highspeed chase and maybe a shootout if crims dare to avoid apprehension while they're fleeing from the 211-a instead of just being strictly a team deathmatch with non-satisfactory pay.
Bro. Some of these ain't bad ideas. Why do you think it would be hard in practice?
Bro. Some of these ain't bad ideas. Why do you think it would be hard in practice?
cause every last one was suggested (some many times over like the jewelry or hostage for bank) and denied except like the spray one which has drowned in the sea of suggestions above it so it's forever forgotten.
So I was looking at the denied and current suggestions made for the devs and owners to take a look at and I had a thought. What are some suggestions that sound fantastic as an idea but in practice would be annoying or wouldn't work. I'll start! Mine would be a detachable stretcher for EMS. The function would be that the person on it and in the ambulance can halt their death meter for a while longer. I realized however that it's very impractical gameplay-wise and difficult as hell to code properly.

What about you guys? What ideas have you had but felt...that it just wouldn't work?
FYI some denied threads literally get closed without a reason because they have been open for too long (including some of mine), so maybe look into reposting some that would be nice to have. Just be sure to expand on them and think of actual cons.

One thing that is still very unlikely sadly is more legal jobs. We got more illegal oppurtunities and job updates of already existing jobs, there is just too many features on the agenda which is why they don't get a lot of focus. I think there just should be more legal ways of earning money but not tied to a job exclusively (think of fishing). We received actual tomato plants in the content pack some time ago so a farming update would still be nice just to be able to make a legal buck if you're doing passive rp as your main type of thing while still being able to receive a nice cash flow like fishing. Could even use some of those ingredients exclusively for something like cooking, the ingredients you'd grow could not be bought anywhere else so I think it would encourage people to try this sort of stuff further to create food items that are somewhat better than what can be bought already or just anything really.
I think renting a business could be cool rp.functionally it’s like a temporary org. You can player run mad joes by buying a lease from the bank for a while similar to billboards or as long as you’re on. When a player runs the shop the times become cheap as dirt to influence people to visit.
how about allowing group chat messages on messeger in our phones app