24k Triad Recruitment

Reaction score

IG Name:

OOC Name:


Play Time:

Net Worth (Items, Cash, Cars):

Owned Cars:

Firearms Lvl (?/125):

Why do you want to join:

What makes you stand out from other applicants:

Previous Organizations:

Is there a current member in the organization that can be used to vouch for you?:

What role are you looking to fulfill in this org? (Crafter, Sales, etc)
IG Name: Lewis Thompson

OOC Name: MaverickRat

Age: 16

Play Time: 1 month 18 days (9800 hours on gmod )

Net Worth (Items, Cash, Cars): Around 5 Million

Owned Cars: Mercedes benz SL65 AMG ( upgraded once)

Firearms Lvl (?/125): 117

Why do you want to join: ive always been striving to get higher in the server and i feel after all my previous experience i would thrive in this organisation , ive got alright stats behind me and id consider myself good at PVP , i know this org is very elite and ran by veterans but i feel id stand a chance applying

What makes you stand out from other applicants: Im experienced in GMOD ingeneral with a depressing amount of playtime, a high firearms level , good amount of guns saved up and fairly decent at PVP

Previous Organizations: Medici,salamanca,saints of bel air, rothschild family,russian bratva

Is there a current member in the organization that can be used to vouch for you?: I dont believe so, but i have reached out to join before

What role are you looking to fulfill in this org? (Crafter, Sales, etc) I wouldn't mind crafting but id also consider myself a decent PVPer and woudnt mind getting in combat
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IG Name: Omar Asfour

OOC Name: MalekIsWeird

Age: 18 (19 in 1 month)

Play Time: about 2 months

Net Worth (Items, Cash, Cars): $8,925,000

Owned Cars: R34 Skyline (Double Upgraded and Customized), Ford Transit, Chevrolet C10, Masarati Quatrosport (one upgrade) and Mini Cooper.

Firearms Lvl (?/125): 87/125

Why do you want to join: I want to be part of this down-to-earth group that I already tend to roll with when I am in the city. I want to roll with the boys officially and my hope is that I can do my best to be as much of a sincere and helpful member as possible. Many groups attempted to drag down this one and they all failed, this is just a clear sign amongst many to showcase the might this one holds which further highlights the power this group holds and is part of why I am so inspired by it. The teamwork, coordination, timezone matching (I am EST), Playstyle and the personality of the members regardless of rank is something I resonate with strongly. Therefore it would be lovely to join.

What makes you stand out from other applicants: Ever since the UFC days I secretly looked up to this organization. I had a notorious phase of bad behavior at one point which is long gone where I was in a very childish way trying to impress the group by fighting NWA but it just made me come off as annoying I imagine. Ever since my unban on January 1st I have made my absolute best effort to be as much of a rule abiding member of this community. I built relationships and squashed beef with everyone who was open to forgiving me and who wasn't open to forgiving me by apologizing for my wrongdoings in the past and promising a better future then being ok with whether they accept it or not but not giving up in proceeding by breathing action into my promises. I tried my best to keep up with the organization and to constantly ask if I can be of any help to prove myself or possibly be in a recruitment phase. I hung out with @Kenty and @travis in game a bunch always dying of laughter cause their trolling skills are top notch. I practice shooting but I try my best to be as best of a sportsman as I can be, I really respect the group and I like to roll with 24k Triad any chance I get but in the off chance we end up in a raid getting countered by the group I just say GG regardless if I lose or win and if I help with raiding the last thing I care about is profit I just enjoy the time we spend together because it's not just satisfying PVP but also funny.

I can do a killer Chinese accent.

Previous Organizations: Magnum Coast, Intifada, Mercia, MARAD.

Is there a current member in the organization that can be used to vouch for you?: Possibly Kenty, Travis, Efan, Jacke.

What role are you looking to fulfill in this org? (Crafter, Sales, etc) Any role which is needed. I don't maintain a preference.
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IG Name:
Omar Abu Almani
OOC Name:
Eistee von Aldi
none fo your business
Net Worth (Items, Cash, Cars):
Owned Cars:
Ford transit with your planters in the back
What role are you looking to fulfill in this org? (Crafter, Sales, etc)
I'll run around and do the Chinese accent thing, since you guys are too lazy to do it anymore.
IG Name: Simon Bendetti

OOC Name: Husky

Age: 23

Play Time: 2 months

Net Worth (Items, Cash, Cars): I have a crippling gambling addiction so it goes from 2 mil to 50k sometimes but rn prolly 8 mil including my guns.

Owned Cars: Lexus, ford trans, mini, and caddy escalade

Firearms Lvl (?/125): 125

Why do you want to join: Gun go shoot, cop go die.

What makes you stand out from other applicants: I'm racist, homophobic, and my pronouns are him/him. I'm joking I'm not actually racist Also I like shooting things

Previous Organizations: Gentleman's Club -> Bendetti Family -> Bone Collectors -> Banana gang -> Aldi Sud

Is there a current member in the organization that can be used to vouch for you?: idk

What role are you looking to fulfill in this org? (Crafter, Sales, etc) : All of the above if needed
IG Name: Garrett Parsley

OOC Name: phoondos

Age: 20

Play Time: 18 days on server, 1801 hrs on Garry's Mod

Net Worth (Items, Cash, Cars): 2,618,000

Owned Cars: Lexus IS F

Firearms Lvl (?/125): 125/125

Why do you want to join: i got raided by you guys once and thought id try to join you guys for fun im 100% expecting to be denied but i thought itd be funny

What makes you stand out from other applicants: im poondos

Previous Organizations: + ACAB +, The Yakubian Society, The Pheonix Den, Tapatio Club

Is there a current member in the organization that can be used to vouch for you?: ASK JAYMO THE GUY WHO WALLBANGED ME

What role are you looking to fulfill in this org? (Crafter, Sales, etc): WINNER
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IG Name: Garrett Parsley

OOC Name: phoondos

Age: 20

Play Time: 11 days on server, 1662 hrs on Garry's Mod

Net Worth (Items, Cash, Cars): 2,118,000

Owned Cars: Lexus IS F

Firearms Lvl (?/125): 97/125

Why do you want to join: i got raided by you guys once and thought id try to join you guys for fun im 100% expecting to be denied but i thought itd be funny

What makes you stand out from other applicants: im poondos

Previous Organizations: + ACAB +, The Yakubian Society, The Pheonix Den, Tapatio Club

Is there a current member in the organization that can be used to vouch for you?: ASK JAYMO THE GUY WHO WALLBANGED ME

What role are you looking to fulfill in this org? (Crafter, Sales, etc): WINNER
maybe, what's the storage looking like? what's your firearms lvl?
My firearms level is 125, my storage is pretty lackluster as I've been losing guns without crafting more.
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I meant it at the time but sadly I only pop in from time to time now. my slot would be wasted on a more active player
Fortunately we're not a zerg, so there's room and although we may be near capacity I don't think we'll be hitting the cap any time soon. Completely understood, just let us know if you're on and you change your mind.
heyyy honey is there any chance i could join, my org started accepting legacy refugees and i cant be associated with that

IG Name: Johnny Magnum

OOC Name: Morkhelt

Age: 21

Play Time: 6 Days in PERPHeads (3000 Hours in Garry's Mod)

Net Worth (Items, Cash, Cars): $100,000+

Owned Cars: Mini Cooper

Firearms Lvl (?/125): 1

Why do you want to join: I wish to join the Triads to strengthen my skills as a Grower and Firearms Specialist. Chances are I'll be denied cause of my inexperience but that's OK

What makes you stand out from other applicants: Dedicated and Self-Reliant Individual that's willing to help other Members in dire times of need

Previous Organizations: N/A

Is there a current member in the organization that can be used to vouch for you?: Garrett Parsley

What role are you looking to fulfill in this org? (Crafter, Sales, etc) Crafter and Grower
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