Defibrillator for Firemen

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A defibrillator for firemen instead of a health kit.

Well, I think, a fireman can't fix broken legs, that's a medic's job.
As actually, admit it, nobody every calls the firemen for a quick heal, the health kit on a fireman is useless
But, a defibrillator isn't that hard to use, they can be found at a Gym, Pool, basically almost everywhere.
I think, a fireman should have a Defibrillator instead of a Health Kit, since this makes more sense.
The firemen have healthkits to give medical attention to the wounded from fires and such. Giving firemen defibrillator is excessive and would make the paramedic not needed for fire casualities.

A thing I wanna add:

Have you ever seen a firefighter cut open someone's legs, fix the bone and than stitch it again?
No, you haven't.

So why should they have a health kit?
They're already washing windows and rescuing cats from trees, they don't have time to go around healing people.

On a real note thought, it will make medics useless. Its like giving Roadcrew guns to help the police.
This is like giving medics a firehose why?

A firefighters job is to fight fires and work as a team that is why they have medkits they get burned and it is too dangerous for medics to run into a burning building.
Another statement:

Defibrillators can be found at a various of buildings, including gyms, city halls, swimming pools...

They can be used to give a person first help, if you see someone dying, and there is a Defibrillator close, you will use it to save a soul!
(Reply through phone)
I believe @Mannerwaffel has said before that most firefighters have medical education. And no paramedics performs surgery on people in public, also IRL only doctors can perform surgery. Nickjedl there are some things that wont be added as it would make other jobs useless. Many things are unrealistic but it cannot be changed for the sake of RP that this is a GMOD server.

Anyone can use a defibrillator, the ones you see in malls and the like have a screen and audible instructions.

What would make medics any different from fireman apart from the fact they can remove bodies.
Giving fire crew Defibrillators is pointless, you never see firecrew in a hospital reviving someone. The only reason firemen have a medic kit is so they can give basic medical attention, even though medic kits can fix Broken legs in theory it was only meant to heal burns

Thats why there are medics and firemen's, I dont see firemen usind aeds normaly, prob only in critical sit, i will give - support
Its the medics job to use the defillibrators since they carry one with them in their ambulance. If firemen are given one, then the medics have even less to do. So I'm going to -Support this because its too excessive
The Fire Department doesn't use defibrillators in real life nor do they have some on their trucks. Firemen get advanced first aid medical training but that is all. Also in an emergency, only certificated paramedics or emergency doctors are allowed to use a defibrillator.
- Support , This will most likely destroy the medic job when it's full, people will go to fireman instead.
I think there's widespread feeling that this idea would decimate the medic job and overall be rather pointless. That said, there have been times where I have contemplated the idea of moving both firefighter and medic into sort of a joint job where it's not specifically independent of each other but not one job either. However I have had setbacks with that as well so no luck there either. Anyways as for this, it simply adds nothing but more pseudo medics which are unneeded.
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