GTA 6 trailer predictions thread

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Post your predictions here, I'll give 100k in game to the closest predictions.

Nothing too vague
Responses edited after trailer goes live are disqualified
100m views in less than 24hr, no release date information, footage showing story characters also revealing the known female protagonist, and hopefully a vice city appearance.
Set in today's Miami (Vice City), two characters male and female , end of the "GTA 6 LEAKED!" videos, huge losses for clickbait youtubers
is it just me who thinks this game might be really shit? they wanna top one of the best games in the world (in a series of 5+) which already has a lot of players. it needs work don’t get me wrong but i honestly don’t know if it’s gonna be this massive slap people are hoping for…

i also don’t believe the elder scrolls 6 will be better than skyrim as that game is perfect

also sorry to deviate from your wonderful thread idea
is it just me who thinks this game might be really shit? they wanna top one of the best games in the world (in a series of 5+) which already has a lot of players. it needs work don’t get me wrong but i honestly don’t know if it’s gonna be this massive slap people are hoping for…

i also don’t believe the elder scrolls 6 will be better than skyrim as that game is perfect

also sorry to deviate from your wonderful thread idea
wating for new fallout or remaster
imo its going to be a battlfield case
BF1 was golden
so since bf5 was average it was seen as really shite as they set the bar high with bf1
is it just me who thinks this game might be really shit? they wanna top one of the best games in the world (in a series of 5+) which already has a lot of players. it needs work don’t get me wrong but i honestly don’t know if it’s gonna be this massive slap people are hoping for…

i also don’t believe the elder scrolls 6 will be better than skyrim as that game is perfect

also sorry to deviate from your wonderful thread idea
tbh, you have a point, GTA 5 addressed everything that was lacking from GTA 4 in terms of activities like hunting, submarines etc. I assume it will feel like Red Dead and run off that engine. Multiplayer would have to be different since we have had heists, yachts, flying bikes etc
tbh, you have a point, GTA 5 addressed everything that was lacking from GTA 4 in terms of activities like hunting, submarines etc. I assume it will feel like Red Dead and run off that engine. Multiplayer would have to be different since we have had heists, yachts, flying bikes etc
feels like it’s either gonna be GTA 5 but in 4K or they try something totally new, taking away from (or possibly replacing?) everything that 5 did really well. i don’t have much faith, 5 was incredible and balancing / graphics are all i would change in my humble opinion.