Warning Dispute (Sean)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Sean
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Hoblit
Your Roleplay Name: Noah Santiago
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29981691

Why were you punished?: " 2.5, 4.1 - User as an Officer, killed a medic who had just been released from being a hostage."

Why should this appeal be considered?: I went on duty and responded to several life alerts going off at slums, arrived when there was only 1 officer remaining and two medics. One hiding behind his ambulance and one actively reviving outside of the sidedoor. I engage in the firefight and take out a few suspects, losing all other officers in the fight. As I sneak up on the front door with the last other remaining officer, he opens and gets hosed down and killed so naturally I hold the corner. After a few seconds a medic pop out from around the corner and I instinctively shoot him in the face and then I die myself.

Once I respawn, I get an F6 from Sean who was in the raiding group asking me why I shot the medic, I explain that I shot him because he caught me off guard popping out around the corner like that with no pre-warning. I didn't know there was a medic being taken hostage even, from what I knew there was a medic running around inside reviving people, not more.

Yes I did kill a medic, but given the circumstances, I don't think a warning is warranted.

We would like to see the entirety of this situation from your point of view, please provide us with the following demo file 'perpheads_demo_2024-2-16 13-22-29' within the next 48 hours.

If you need additional help to retrieve your demo file we have a guide for demos which can be accessed through the following link: https://help.perpheads.com/page/demos

It is your responsibility to ensure that the individual you are shooting at poses a threat, as outlined in the use of force policy. Failing to assess the situation or verify whether a person is a threat, and shooting indiscriminately, is a clear violation of rules 2.5 and 4.1.

Just because there is a raid in progress does not grant you permission to shoot indiscriminately. By assessing the situation and confirming the identity of the individual coming out of the door, you could have prevented this incident.

In your demo, it was also observed that after killing a suspect, you decided to finish them off, which also violates 4.1. Officers should not be finishing off unconscious suspects.

Lastly, the medic @Peter Lee who was taken hostage will be blacklisted for 2 weeks and receive a 1 week ban for 3.4 and 4.2. @josh kelly will receive a warning and blacklist for 3.4 and 4.2.

Reviewed with @Oddy, @steelo, @sidd, @Chase, and @Tilin
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