Password game

I think its Bb5, it's confusing because the they've swapped the king and queen chess piece I think. So the King must be in E1 and E8. since whites "queen" is already down.
I think the solution is Nxe7 because after the bishop recaptures with Bxe7, Nxf7 now forks blacks queen and rook, and the diagonal is open for whites light squared bishop to defend Nxf7.
"Today I will write about the Password Game on a roleplay game server's forums instead of trying thoroughly to figure it out on my own or searching the internet for a chess engine. This way, people will see these and think that I am intelligent and maybe show me some attention to the goofy-ass posts I make. I believe this is a good idea."

Wait no it’s Nf6+, it’s forced mate because after black takes back with the pawn, simply Bxf7# wins for white.

So the solution is ‘Nf6+’
Yes Mr. Kasparov, I couldn't see any other solution myself than this
"Today I will write about the Password Game on a roleplay game server's forums instead of trying thoroughly to figure it out on my own or searching the internet for a chess engine. This way, people will see these and think that I am intelligent and maybe show me some attention to the goofy-ass posts I make. I believe this is a good idea
A. No
B. I'm trying to beat this stupid game
C. It's in off topic who anyone BARELY reads
D. Shut it
Wait no it’s Nf6+, it’s forced mate because after black takes back with the pawn, simply Bxf7# wins for white.

So the solution is ‘Nf6+’
Walk me through this, you're saying knight to F6, then g7 pawn takes back f6, the bishop takes f6, then what?
Walk me through this, you're saying knight to F6, then g7 pawn takes back f6, the bishop takes f6, then what?
After the g7 pawn recaptures, white's light squared bishop captures on f7 with checkmate, as the other knight not only defends the bishop, but also the d7 square, which the black king wishes to escape to! I think you're seeing recaptures with the dark squared bishop, which is not the correct move after the black pawn takes on f6. Check out this link and toggle the engine on with 'L' for a visual display of the solution.
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