Is my server browser bugged or nah?

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Hey guys, so I only see french or german servers on my browser idk why.
Is there just a lack of English servers or can i just not see them due to any connection problem etc?
Back in the days there used to be so many Eng servers, but now for every gamemode theres none


When i check my history, i only see english servers, I don't see on the normal server list.
Firstly head to your Legacy Browser and check that. To find it you need to do this.
  1. Launch Garry's Mod
  2. Press "Find Multiplayer Game"
  3. Click "Legacy Browser" on the left side of the screen
  4. Untick "Simplified List" checkbox, if it is ticked
  5. Check the filters on the bottom of the Legacy Server Browser.
If some of the fields does not match the picture above, change it so it matches. After you are done you need to be in the internet tab and press on the “Refresh All” button.

If you own other Source games made by Valve with multiplayer servers and you experience the same issue there, it is a hundred percent a firewall blocking Garry’s Mod and your other games or something on your system that is blocking the...
Yes it's because there's not as much english speaking servers as french / german and other countries, you can choose to filter it out if you click a flag on the left.
Firstly head to your Legacy Browser and check that. To find it you need to do this.
  1. Launch Garry's Mod
  2. Press "Find Multiplayer Game"
  3. Click "Legacy Browser" on the left side of the screen
  4. Untick "Simplified List" checkbox, if it is ticked
  5. Check the filters on the bottom of the Legacy Server Browser.
If some of the fields does not match the picture above, change it so it matches. After you are done you need to be in the internet tab and press on the “Refresh All” button.

If you own other Source games made by Valve with multiplayer servers and you experience the same issue there, it is a hundred percent a firewall blocking Garry’s Mod and your other games or something on your system that is blocking the Valve Master Server.

If changing your Legacy Browser did not help you can try temporarily disabling all your firewalls to test if the problem is caused by a firewall blocking Garry's Mod.

Lastly if nothing has helped so far, you can also try to decrease your server query rate as its guessed by the Steam client but its also configurable right here.
Steam -> Settings -> In-game -> In-Game Server browser: Max pings / minute
Firstly head to your Legacy Browser and check that. To find it you need to do this.
  1. Launch Garry's Mod
  2. Press "Find Multiplayer Game"
  3. Click "Legacy Browser" on the left side of the screen
  4. Untick "Simplified List" checkbox, if it is ticked
  5. Check the filters on the bottom of the Legacy Server Browser.
View attachment 21970
If some of the fields does not match the picture above, change it so it matches. After you are done you need to be in the internet tab and press on the “Refresh All” button.

If you own other Source games made by Valve with multiplayer servers and you experience the same issue there, it is a hundred percent a firewall blocking Garry’s Mod and your other games or something on your system that is blocking the Valve Master Server.

If changing your Legacy Browser did not help you can try temporarily disabling all your firewalls to test if the problem is caused by a firewall blocking Garry's Mod.

Lastly if nothing has helped so far, you can also try to decrease your server query rate as its guessed by the Steam client but its also configurable right here.
Steam -> Settings -> In-game -> In-Game Server browser: Max pings / minute
Did this work for you or are you still having this issue?
Or of course if you haven’t tried it out yet you wouldn’t know.
@DJ Conyo
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