Cant make a police application

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It doesnt let me make an application it says i dont have the hours needed but i do. Does it take some time for it to register my played time or sum?
It does not update as soon as you hit 12 hours, you need to either sync your paperwork with the PD NPC, or relog, you can confirm your hours on your profile's activity tab
Do you currently meet theese requirements?:

Rank Required: Civilian​

Time since last application: 3 Hours​

Time since last infraction: 2 Weeks​

Playtime Required: 12 Hours​

Must not be a member of: Road Traffic Unit​

I'm not sure on a 100% fix, however a few things you can try are:

Try to sync your profile Ingame to do this, press the first option, then hit the third option down and try to apply.

Try using the website to apply, unsure if it will make a difference but always worth a go.

Try rejoining/restarting the game and seeing if it updates your time played

If all else fails and you are certain you meet the requirements, make a helpdesk towards development services or contact @Sindarin
Do you currently meet theese requirements?:

Rank Required: Civilian​

Time since last application: 3 Hours​

Time since last infraction: 2 Weeks​

Playtime Required: 12 Hours​

Must not be a member of: Road Traffic Unit​

Yes it says everything but the 12 hours but ingame it says like 14
It does not update as soon as you hit 12 hours, you need to either sync your paperwork with the PD NPC, or relog, you can confirm your hours on your profile's activity tab
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