Rule Suggestion (3.4 Putting your Life at Risk)

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Suggestion Topic: 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
Suggestion Description: Giving a ticket of $100k or something harsh financially for breaking the rule of 3.4 when attempting to avoid a mugging by breaking rules could, which could stop a lot of rule breakers as people mainly break this rule to save what they have on them. This would make most players wanna comply and follow the rules in these situations. Because they then would have something to lose besides a ban they might consider worth taking over getting mugged. Might affect new players extra as they are the poorest, but they break this rule the most from my own experience. Which is why it might be smart to consider adding a % of the bank account of the player or something like that.

Why should this be added?:
- It's very common to experience people either disconnecting, just running away or not complying to commands when they have something to lose. This would make them feel like they have something to lose and I believe there would be a much bigger chance that they would just continue roleplaying instead.

What negatives could this have?:
- Might upset new players a bit more
We are capable of and actively do force players to just turn over the items they’d have lost, unless they are new players on their first offence you shouldn’t be mugging anyways.

I’d rather relevant item and money deletions, such as people who break rules with their car regularly having said car deleted forever. People who break 3.4 to avoid a mugging should forfeit or have their items and money they broke rules trying to defend outright deleted from their inventory. A fixed penalty of 100k per 3.4 doesn’t change that, there’s good odds that the 100k doesn’t cover the lost items, there’s also the fact that the reporter gains nothing from making the report, and might neglect to report 3.4 from new players they are mugging out of both fear of reprimand for their actions and pity of the new player losing 100k.
That's the thing. People rather get banned than lose their items in many cases...
Judging by this response, the 100k fine that the player receives would be a punishment option that wouldn't involve the server ban. This could help players that have a bad record to just dodge the bullet and pay the 100k or even a percentage, which wouldn't impact them at all in most cases since they most definitely prefer that to a long ban.

On the other hand, that amount of money for a new player is a lot and would impact their gameplay more and make it less enjoyable.

A warn / ban educates them more in my opinion, as I have witnessed many new players breaking this rule but then when they are educated by the admin handling the report, they start following the rule (at least in my experience).
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