Suggestion Title: Split units among multiple dispatchers
Suggestion Description: Let’s say there are 4 units a b c and d, when there is 1 dispatch on that one dispatch manages the whole units but when there are 2 dispatch the dispatch’s the first dispatch manages unites 1,2 and the second manages 3,4 and so on to 4 dispatchs,
each dispatch gets its own radio for example if there are 2 dispatchs officers from dispatch 1 talk to dispatch 1 and officers from dispatch 2 talk to dispatch 2 and so on officer who is being managed by dispatch 2 can’t talk to dispatch 1, the same keybind but different radios it is like unit radios but with dispatch and other units,
Dispatchs also have the ability to switch the units they are managing but it should split automatically when first joining the job
When one of the dispatchs is busy the units automatically transfer to the other dispatchers
If one of the dispatchers has all of their units busy they will have a “full” tag on them
Btw I never played as dispatch sorry if I said anything dumb
Why should this be added?:
The most important thing here is that multiple dispatchs can speak at the same time, QoL less stressful for both parties ect, also when there is a cop who needs a priority msg they can deliver it more easily,
What negatives could this have?:
- I’m not a dispatch main I don’t know what are the negatives, how ever I want dispatch main to tell me the problems so we can to figure the solution.
- also maybe the units system should be reworked for this to work not sure
What problem would this suggestion solve?: It would make dispatch more useful and also make dispatch less stressful
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Suggestion Description: Let’s say there are 4 units a b c and d, when there is 1 dispatch on that one dispatch manages the whole units but when there are 2 dispatch the dispatch’s the first dispatch manages unites 1,2 and the second manages 3,4 and so on to 4 dispatchs,
each dispatch gets its own radio for example if there are 2 dispatchs officers from dispatch 1 talk to dispatch 1 and officers from dispatch 2 talk to dispatch 2 and so on officer who is being managed by dispatch 2 can’t talk to dispatch 1, the same keybind but different radios it is like unit radios but with dispatch and other units,
Dispatchs also have the ability to switch the units they are managing but it should split automatically when first joining the job
When one of the dispatchs is busy the units automatically transfer to the other dispatchers
If one of the dispatchers has all of their units busy they will have a “full” tag on them
Btw I never played as dispatch sorry if I said anything dumb
Why should this be added?:
The most important thing here is that multiple dispatchs can speak at the same time, QoL less stressful for both parties ect, also when there is a cop who needs a priority msg they can deliver it more easily,
What negatives could this have?:
- I’m not a dispatch main I don’t know what are the negatives, how ever I want dispatch main to tell me the problems so we can to figure the solution.
- also maybe the units system should be reworked for this to work not sure
What problem would this suggestion solve?: It would make dispatch more useful and also make dispatch less stressful
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