Bazzar Shops

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After a long time I've finally decided to start a shop.. I was wondering if anyone has any useful tips for actually buying a shop in bazzar. I seem to just sit around waiting for one to come on sale (which can take an extremely long time). Seems to me like thats the only way if you want a shop specifically in the bazzar. If anyone else has any suggestions I'd be very greatful.
Obtain evidence of a Bazaar dweller breaking rules, sit on it until they are well and cozy in their little shop, and strike that F6 button with your previously obtained evidence.

That, or wait around and dodge bank robberies. Getting one during low population hours and leaving your PC on for 20 hours seems to do the trick for most
Obtain evidence of a Bazaar dweller breaking rules, sit on it until they are well and cozy in their little shop, and strike that F6 button with your previously obtained evidence.

That, or wait around and dodge bank robberies. Getting one during low population hours and leaving your PC on for 20 hours seems to do the trick for most
Really rude way to go about it your first point but I'm all for it - cheers mate I'll take note of it :laughcry:
There isn't really a trick, what you can do is you can ask a staff member to check if any of the shops are not in use and they will reach out to the owner to ask if they're using it or not

You can also use a business shop that are free most of the time, I like them
After a long time I've finally decided to start a shop.. I was wondering if anyone has any useful tips for actually buying a shop in bazzar. I seem to just sit around waiting for one to come on sale (which can take an extremely long time). Seems to me like thats the only way if you want a shop specifically in the bazzar. If anyone else has any suggestions I'd be very greatful.
Have an organisation that’s entire purpose seems to revolve around holding a bazaar shop forcing your members to remain active for 6hrs plus during peak hours, just to then have a panic attack when someone fails a /me sells shop and you lose the shop that’s you and your slaves have worked so hard to hold onto @babyshay
Bully casino owners relentlessly to push them to business shops or get a business shop and enjoy the better property less people go to because they’re too scared of being hit by a car to get there (this is the real reason people don’t go to business shops as much btw)
If you notice an empty or unused shop, you can always make an F6 report to notify staff, and they may decide to force-sell it.

Some players might go AFK for extended periods (6-8 hours), during which their shop might be sold by staff to ensure the shops remain actively utilized by other players.
, you cna only really ask staff to sell it when they not being used, but business shop 2 was always great for me when all baz shops taken

start with the biggest market, the sweater market, dont push for the AK-101 sales for example, you will find yourself selling cheaper items, pistols, and new player needs more often than the sales for a full kit rifle
If you notice an empty or unused shop, you can always make an F6 report to notify staff, and they may decide to force-sell it.

Some players might go AFK for extended periods (6-8 hours), during which their shop might be sold by staff to ensure the shops remain actively utilized by other players.
You gotta make sure you run to the bank before you make the F6 tho that's the trick (I actually despise people who do this and actively avoid selling the shop until the F6 creator leaves the bank)
Have an organisation that’s entire purpose seems to revolve around holding a bazaar shop forcing your members to remain active for 6hrs plus during peak hours, just to then have a panic attack when someone fails a /me sells shop and you lose the shop that’s you and your slaves have worked so hard to hold onto @babyshay
I literally hate you xD
Join early in the morning. Usually, there are 2 shops available. Pass the shop back and forth between yourself and your org members if you need to leave.
If it’s my unfortunate turn at holding the shop the only thing I have in my storage is bulk 5k walther ppks and of course my famous 10k furniture shop!