Suggestion Title: Stolen Vehicle Insurance
Suggestion Description: When a vehicle is stolen, if it is then tiered before the owner can recover it, then the tier fix fee is dramatically reduced to $2500 or something similar. The idea being, you have insurance on your vehicle that covers theft, and that's it. If you recover it and then wreck it yourself, you still pay full price.
Why should this be added?:
- Less work for staff members to repair stolen vehicles, whilst keeping minor fees to encourage people to dissuade car theft with security upgrades.
What negatives could this have?:
- Potential abuse (stealing and tiering a friend's car that's already tiered to get insurance to cover the tier fix)
- People stealing and wrecking cars and not being reported because people don't care cause insurance go brrrr
What problem would this suggestion solve?: Staff members having to repair stolen tiered cars all the time
Suggestion Description: When a vehicle is stolen, if it is then tiered before the owner can recover it, then the tier fix fee is dramatically reduced to $2500 or something similar. The idea being, you have insurance on your vehicle that covers theft, and that's it. If you recover it and then wreck it yourself, you still pay full price.
Why should this be added?:
- Less work for staff members to repair stolen vehicles, whilst keeping minor fees to encourage people to dissuade car theft with security upgrades.
What negatives could this have?:
- Potential abuse (stealing and tiering a friend's car that's already tiered to get insurance to cover the tier fix)
- People stealing and wrecking cars and not being reported because people don't care cause insurance go brrrr
What problem would this suggestion solve?: Staff members having to repair stolen tiered cars all the time