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Topic: Insurance

Short explanation (in notes):
- If you have insurance your car will be "towed" (respawnable) in a working condition where the vehicle has no popped tires or marks
- Without insurance your vehicle will spawn in a non-working condition and won't be able to start its engine unless roadcrew tow you to the CD repair shop
- Insurance costs 10k

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I have seen allot of people driving around like complete maniacs crashing into walls and doing drifts into other cars just completely wrecking their car, with insurance their car damages will be covered and "towed" (respawnable) to the garage.
Without insurance the vehicles will be broken and would need to be towed to the car dealer repair shop where the repairs cost around 10k, a tow allready costs 500
This insurance idea is going to remove the unrealistic car crashes into walls and people will think before driving.
If someone wrecks someone else's car. If not the victim may call the police and get them arrested for reckless driving

Optional additions:
- Insurance app on phone
- Insurance NPC in CD

If anyone has a better idea for this suggestion, post it bellow
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Firstly what will happen if there is no road crew to tow your car? Secondly I don't think this will stop the way people drive as it doesn't seem to be cheaper and also it could be unreliable. -support
Great, so I can spend 10k and just get free repairs each time I crash my car? Honestly, I feel that this will just make people more careless and not give a damn if their car crashes. And even if this were to be added, the price should obviously differ depending on the vehicle. I bet those 2 million cars cost a bit more than 10k to repair when they're destroyed.
Sorry, but your suggestion is counter-acting itself. It will make people care less about damaging their vehicle than they already do.
Few too many problems -> -Support

I personally don't think it would help the rp in anyway.... Paying a one off 10k to get free unlimited repairs that would make people crash their cars more and be more reckless and careless.... And like Smudger said what happens when you have no road crew....

I always thought insurance was say if I was waiting at a red light and some geezer slams my back end and ruins my car... He would pay for it not me...
This should only work under 1 condition:

- Only available when you broke your car due a diff player that had hit your car, insursnce wouldnt play if you get damaged due cops or speeding
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