Server Suggestion Change chemical table power slider to checkboxes

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Wales, United Kingdom
Suggestion Title: Change chemical table power slider to checkboxes
Suggestion Description: Currently there is a slider where you select the amount of propane being used on a chemical table, I suggest it is changed to 6 boxes that you can choose one to be ticked.

Why should this be added?:
- Sometimes the power will adjust itself to something different than desired. When doing meth this can cause you to go from 3->4 without noticing and result in you blowing up your meth. While I noticed soon enough to save my batch, the clip below should show this occurring.
- QoL

What negatives could this have?:
- Can't really think of any, it has all the benefits of the slider but is way more convenient and mitigates risk.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Sometimes the power will adjust itself to something different than desired. When doing meth this can cause you to go from 3->4 without noticing and result in you blowing up your meth. While I noticed soon enough to save my batch, the clip below should show this occurring. Look at the slider on the right in this clip ;

Useful Images:
Another potential implementation could be some arrows or similar you click to change the power, though it does make it more difficult to change the power level dramatically compared to the checkboxes idea:
though it does make it more difficult to change the power level dramatically compared to the checkboxes idea:
This would work very well, adding another arrow beside each one that would take it to 0 and 5 could accommodate dramatic changes. It could look a little something like this:
This would work very well, adding another arrow beside each one that would take it to 0 and 5 could accommodate dramatic changes. It could look a little something like this:
This would work very well, adding colour grading to the number to illustrate the effect of each power level could help new players especially. It could look a little something like this:
This would work very well, adding colour grading to the number to illustrate the effect of each power level could help new players especially. It could look a little something like this:
This would work very well, adding a textbox where users can enter their own value in would also make this more user friendly and could help new players especially. It could look a little something like this:
This would work very well, adding another arrow beside each one that would take it to 0 and 5 could accommodate dramatic changes. It could look a little something like this:
now it just looks like the front of a dvd player
This would work very well, adding a textbox where users can enter their own value in would also make this more user friendly and could help new players especially. It could look a little something like this:
This would work very well, adding an "Emergency Stop" button where users can set both cookers to 0 simultaneously to prevent disaster could help new players especially. It could look a little something like this:
This would work very well, adding an Barabara button, Barabara does 2 things.

She will replace your propane with spiritus, very flamable indeed you know.

As her second act. She has the power of chatGPT to determine the next ingredient you should add. If barabara is displeased she will blow up your meth.

It would look a little like this:
This would work very well, adding an "Emergency Stop" button where users can set both cookers to 0 simultaneously to prevent disaster could help new players especially. It could look a little something like this:
this looks like an abomination you will find in like a science lesson like the tables with the big red button that everyone ALWAYS wanted to press without hesiation
Suggestion Title: Change chemical table power slider to checkboxes
Suggestion Description: Currently there is a slider where you select the amount of propane being used on a chemical table, I suggest it is changed to 6 boxes that you can choose one to be ticked.

Why should this be added?:
- Sometimes the power will adjust itself to something different than desired. When doing meth this can cause you to go from 3->4 without noticing and result in you blowing up your meth. While I noticed soon enough to save my batch, the clip below should show this occurring.
- QoL

What negatives could this have?:
- Can't really think of any, it has all the benefits of the slider but is way more convenient and mitigates risk.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Sometimes the power will adjust itself to something different than desired. When doing meth this can cause you to go from 3->4 without noticing and result in you blowing up your meth. While I noticed soon enough to save my batch, the clip below should show this occurring. Look at the slider on the right in this clip ;

Useful Images:
How about you can make it an optional thing in the perpheads f1 menu. So you can choose a slider , tick box, or an arrow

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