language question

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When is it okay to speak a language other than English in a game? My friends and I speak Swedish, and it would be annoying if we had to speak English all the time.
If I'm getting arrested in-game, would it be against the rules for me to quickly tell my friend what to do in swedish? Like to kill the cop or something.i assume its not
You can tell him in your language what to do. The only time where you are required to use english is when dealing with admin sits and f6 tickets.
When is it okay to speak a language other than English in a game? My friends and I speak Swedish, and it would be annoying if we had to speak English all the time.
You can speak your language in raids or in general. Just make sure when someone interacts with you who is an english speaker speak to them in english or in rp situation speak in english
If I'm getting arrested in-game, would it be against the rules for me to quickly tell my friend what to do in swedish? Like to kill the cop or something.i assume its not
If I'm getting arrested in-game, would it be against the rules for me to quickly tell my friend what to do in swedish? Like to kill the cop or something.i assume its not
You can tell him in your language what to do. The only time where you are required to use english is when dealing with admin sits and f6 tickets.
If I'm getting arrested in-game, would it be against the rules for me to quickly tell my friend what to do in swedish? Like to kill the cop or something.i assume its not
Yes, you can do that.You can speak languages other than English in RP situations. However, you should still be prepared to use English in more complex situations, such as admin reports and other official matters. Additionally, when it comes to the police, I believe it is necessary to have a professional level of English .