Topic: New Props
Short explanation (in notes):
- Add new props (Title says it all pretty much)
Detailed description (why should it become added/...): So I got the idea of making this suggestion because it would be alot easier to build bases with wooden pillars/Large wooden boards (2 x bigger in length than the current ones). And some of the props would be better for building houses/shops making them much nicer inside.
Optional additions:
Screenshots of the props that could possibly be added:
Feel free to suggest other props.
Prop item names:
The metal fence thing: models/props_building_details/Storefront_Template001a_Bars.mdl
Table with the computer on it: models/props/cs_italy/it_mkt_table2.mdl
Table with the plant pot on it: models\props/CS_militia/table_shed.mdl
Bar stool: models\props/CS_militia/barstool01.mdl
Bench: models\props/CS_militia/wood_bench.mdl
Bin: models\props/cs_office/trash_can.mdl
Metal Shelf: models\props/cs_office/Shelves_metal.mdl
Plant Pot: models\props/cs_office/plant01.mdl
Phone: models\props/cs_office/phone.mdl
Computer moniter: models\props/cs_office/computer.mdl
Office chair: models\props/cs_office/Chair_office.mdl
Globe thing: models/props_combine/breenglobe.mdl
Small thin wooden pole/board: models/props_debris/wood_board02a.mdl
Wooden Pillar thing: models/props_debris/wood_board07a.mdl
Large wooden board: models/props_debris/wood_board05a.mdl
Small Wooden Fence: models/props_wasteland/wood_fence02a.mdl
Metal sheet thing: models/props_debris/metal_panel01a.mdl (It's not in the picture but it would be quite cool for building stuff with)
Short explanation (in notes):
- Add new props (Title says it all pretty much)
Detailed description (why should it become added/...): So I got the idea of making this suggestion because it would be alot easier to build bases with wooden pillars/Large wooden boards (2 x bigger in length than the current ones). And some of the props would be better for building houses/shops making them much nicer inside.
Optional additions:
Screenshots of the props that could possibly be added:

Feel free to suggest other props.
Prop item names:
The metal fence thing: models/props_building_details/Storefront_Template001a_Bars.mdl
Table with the computer on it: models/props/cs_italy/it_mkt_table2.mdl
Table with the plant pot on it: models\props/CS_militia/table_shed.mdl
Bar stool: models\props/CS_militia/barstool01.mdl
Bench: models\props/CS_militia/wood_bench.mdl
Bin: models\props/cs_office/trash_can.mdl
Metal Shelf: models\props/cs_office/Shelves_metal.mdl
Plant Pot: models\props/cs_office/plant01.mdl
Phone: models\props/cs_office/phone.mdl
Computer moniter: models\props/cs_office/computer.mdl
Office chair: models\props/cs_office/Chair_office.mdl
Globe thing: models/props_combine/breenglobe.mdl
Small thin wooden pole/board: models/props_debris/wood_board02a.mdl
Wooden Pillar thing: models/props_debris/wood_board07a.mdl
Large wooden board: models/props_debris/wood_board05a.mdl
Small Wooden Fence: models/props_wasteland/wood_fence02a.mdl
Metal sheet thing: models/props_debris/metal_panel01a.mdl (It's not in the picture but it would be quite cool for building stuff with)
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