I remember about a year ago, I spoke to
@EVIL - This was during the release of Paralake V2 and I spoke to him about re-starting Crescendo. He told me his view on organisations and how from that point they were destined to go down-hill. Nobody wants to be a family, be close, be friendly any more.
Organisations are merely an excuse to grow now, they're not there for fun? Everyone wants the fastest car, the most money and the most notorious. But for me? That really does not appeal. I mean, money is nice? In the last few days I've made over 1.5 million.. but that's not what we are?
Dis-loyalty is something I mentioned when starting this organisation, the J&M Glass co org? That was real, however from the jump I started this organisation it was simply a test to see if people would stay, stay loyal and actually be an organisation.
17 pots of drugs have been stolen in the last 4 days.
13 People have betrayed the organisation in some way.
4 People have mugged people.
But you know what? All that aside - People have made money, people have had fun, I've met some amazing people and you know what? I fucking enjoyed it.
Keep your sly comments to yourself, it changes absolutely nothing - It was never my intention to start a serious organisation again, it was never my intention to baby-sit a bunch of in-competent people.
A lot of you were amazing and thank you for that.
I'm done with organisations for a while, my mind is more set towards:
Thank you for infinite.
Organisation disbanded.