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Leeds, England.

It's constant, family; generations of people living with different causes. It's
the blood that connects us, and the things we do that define us.

We are all infinite.

Who are we?
We're the new generation of Crescendo, an organisation dedicated to money, power, and crime.

Crescendo was originally created by Liam Belinsky, Ben Lockwood, Ben Standish and AyJay Harlem.


These are the people who run the organisation, without these people the organisation would be dead.
We don't have ranks, we're all equal in the organisation; but due to the fact that the organisation needs structure.

Two people lead the organisation in order to keep it running smooth. You must take orders from these people at all times.

Organisation Disbanded.

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This organization looks alright so far.

All I ask is that /if/ I am unbanned (Zack Robberts), do not cause me any trouble. Perhaps this organization will last? Maybe it will not? It does not matter. Enjoy your time with this organization, Ayjay.



Update #001 - Contact Us (734-5888)

Hi there,

As you've probably noticed the organisation name has changed, all members from the previous organisation have been merged into this one; the organisation is completely different so I'd read over the organisation page so you're not out of the loop.

Applications have now closed, due to an excessive amount of members - I'm going to be introducing ranks into the organisation so you guys can gain some authority. The way to rank up is usually good behaviour and showing that you're a good benefit towards us.

I'd also like to say, that anyone leaves from now on will not be able to return to the organisation.
Also, people who leave the organisation to join another will receive a 'punishment' for dis-loyalty.

Thank you.
Wait... an organisation where you are not allowed to mug or steal, but you are allowed to raid?

Raiding is not specified, it states mugging is not allowed due to it being for more 'lower class' of people - Raiding is fine, as specified however raiding when you're basing with us is not allowed. I don't personally like raiding, but if people feel like they want to raid when they're not basing; go for it.

Also, I'm sorry for the lack of notice prior to the name change - And the organisation page does not show much information about the actual things we do and that will be updated quite soon. Feel free to leave a rating regarding the post.
In my book, Ayjay was a great leader. I am not quite sure what made people quit in the end. Whatsoever I am here to thank Ayjay. I would like to thank him for giving me the opportunity to join in the first place. I’ve only been a member for a few days. Even though Ayjay have shown me the way of powergrowing. Which have resulted in me earning about 400k.





Once again Ayjay, thank you a lot.
Basically people were protected while growing then left, I think someone got ripped off.

Hint: its not the people that made money.
I guess people got rich by snatching other peoples drugs in the same building. I've grown there once, drugs mystically dissapeared and no one did anything. Gotta love that friendly environment. Was also nice to raid and take someones office table as revenge ayy lmao @Walker @Venomine @Creepis @Feng Yamaguchi
I guess people got wrecked the first time I raided you and killed 6 of you, suppose your defence wasn't that good, you threatened to car bomb us last night and shot us at car-dealer didn't end well for you.
I remember about a year ago, I spoke to @EVIL - This was during the release of Paralake V2 and I spoke to him about re-starting Crescendo. He told me his view on organisations and how from that point they were destined to go down-hill. Nobody wants to be a family, be close, be friendly any more.

Organisations are merely an excuse to grow now, they're not there for fun? Everyone wants the fastest car, the most money and the most notorious. But for me? That really does not appeal. I mean, money is nice? In the last few days I've made over 1.5 million.. but that's not what we are?

Dis-loyalty is something I mentioned when starting this organisation, the J&M Glass co org? That was real, however from the jump I started this organisation it was simply a test to see if people would stay, stay loyal and actually be an organisation.

17 pots of drugs have been stolen in the last 4 days.
13 People have betrayed the organisation in some way.
4 People have mugged people.

But you know what? All that aside - People have made money, people have had fun, I've met some amazing people and you know what? I fucking enjoyed it.

Keep your sly comments to yourself, it changes absolutely nothing - It was never my intention to start a serious organisation again, it was never my intention to baby-sit a bunch of in-competent people.

A lot of you were amazing and thank you for that.

I'm done with organisations for a while, my mind is more set towards:

Thank you for infinite.

Organisation disbanded.
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