Another AR on -[AGSY]-gamerdanger99

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Your Steam/In-game Name: lelios1 / Miyashiro Kamatari

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
-[AGSY]-gamerdanger99 / Eric Jonsons

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4

Tried to kill me (Being SWAT) and another officer because we were hitting him with our nightsticks to get him out of the back of the pd. He then pulled a gun and started shooting the officer attempting RDM and putting his life at risk for no reason. He claimed it to be "self-defense because nightsticks can kill"


Tick: 69100

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Don't think this is RDM at all
lets say someone is beating you up,and you have a firearm that you bought to protect yourself.
Would you just sit there and take it?
This isnt RDM. He was getting hurt from being beaten up, and in order to not loose he´s gun, he decided to open fire on you instead. I dont see how this is RDM, but might be 3.4 by putting he´s freedom and life at risk
Its a bit excessive to shoot them, you could have left the pd and it would be fine. However in my opinion this is not RDM.
7.1 Defending Yourself

If a person is physically attacked by another member of the public, the victim may use the minimal amount of force necessary to allow themselves to escape and/or hide until law-enforcement personnel arrive to assist.
I want to know why you thought that you could attempt to get into the PD by rushing and trying the knob in their private parking lot while officers were present (in the middle of a bright day nevertheless), and then think that you could gun down both a police officer with medium body armour and a pistol and a SWAT officer with heavy armour and an assault rifle, using a Desert Eagle. You just should have given up when you were caught, you had no chance. Even if you did somehow manage to take them down, you are still right next to the hornets nest, and you would have been gunned down or arrested and sentenced to 10 years.
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I want to know why you thought that you could attempt to get into the PD by rushing and trying the knob in their private parking lot while officers were present (in the middle of a bright day nevertheless), and then think that you could gun down both a police officer with medium body armour and a pistol and a SWAT officer with heavy armour and an assault rifle, using a Desert Eagle. You just should have given up when you were caught, you had no chance. Even if you did somehow manage to take them down, you are still right next to the hornets nest, and you would have been gunned down or arrested and sentenced to 10 years. Could I also ask why you tried to get into the PD?
I stated why i tried to get in the PD above in the comments of my first post. If you can't even bother reading though the comments to make sure that i didn't state why i was trying to get in the PD then you need you to start looking though the comments. Learn to actually look around before asking a question i already answered.

Gamerdanger will receive a 2 day ban for 3.4, because you were being hit it was not RDM however; running into the pd with a deagle and trying to take on a heavily armoured swat with an assault rifle and a medium armoured officer is not the way to break out your friend. If you saw there was officers there and you're trying to break into the pd why didn't you do the logical thing and leave then just go around to another entrance. Also as Seal stated even if you managed to kill the swat and the officer you'd have been heavily damaged and could not have got through the waves of cops that would come straight back to the pd with just a deagle.

The ban is 2 days because of the rule break and the fact i just accepted a different action request on you.
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