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Your Steam/In-game Name: Syñátéc IV ツ / STEAM_0:1:71523592
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Misel
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I called the police about someone saying he was a cop just when the Lieutenant left the building. I obviously didn't believe him so I reported it. Seconds later they bobby pinned my door. I killed 1 of them and was taking his gun inside so his friend wouldn't take it. Then a cop came inside and shot me on sight. I was not having a gun out in passive or attack stance. He didn't even warn me, he just shot me.

I'd like my M4a1 and Glock refunded, used in self defence. Didn't harm any cop with it. I don't even care about the drugs.
Evidence (Demo Required):
(Idk why my FPS dropped so hard, had solid 70 when I played.)
Tick: Around 23000-30000

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Okay, my point of view on this matter, i do understand why the cop shot you although he shouldn't have and he was wrong on his side but it wasn't just straight out bang, there was a reason behind it. Therefore a warning in my option not a ban. About your guns the cops never destroyed them i know because i was their.
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Okay, my point of view on this matter, i do understand why the cop shot you although he shouldn't have and he was wrong on his side but it wasn't just straight out bang, there was a reason behind it. Therefore a warning in my option not a ban. About your guns the cops never destroyed them i know because i was their.
(On Phone)
I am fine with a warning but about the Guns, if I didn't go into an admin sit I would've gotten them. If some players took them while the door was unlocked and in admin sit it's kinda unfair.
Syntec im so sorry about that i panicked and shot i didnt really mean to shoot i can give you a refund on the M4
I went up there to regals after an officer asked us to bag the drugs, however when i arrived there was an admin sit. Nobody confiscated your drugs and AFAIK no officer took your gun either. There were people from the bank robbery doe that came to regals, they might have gone upstairs.

This is from my point of view, i never took the gun or bagged the drugs:

After this video i went downstairs while the other officer waited for the sit to be over where i got shot and killed by bank robbers D:
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I can understand why the cop panniced and shot you, although he shouldn't. However if it were the cops who took your guns, then they should not have done this, as it was only used in self defence, which is allowed according to law 7.1/7.3 (as you were defending youself (7.1) and your property (7.3)). They should've asked if you are the owner of the property and which guns belong to you.

After watching Syñátéc IV ツ and misel's video several times, It does look like misel had accidentally shot at the person thinking they had a gun, after slowing it down, I could see a gun dropping through the door. This is what made Misel think that there was a gun, Shooting at the door from the heat of the moment. It's clear that Misel did make this mistake and did not intend to break law 11.11 (Rule 4.1)

If you slow down to 0.25 speed and go to time: 0:38. You can see a weapon drop. And Misel was clearly surprised by this and shot at the door.

You can also see from the pictures below that the pick up weapon animation was shown during this time, Leading misel to believe that the person was picking up a weapon.​





A big thanks to @Prepper for helping me during the situation. He aided me by providing the screenshots we had seen of the weapon and the pick-up animation. Also aiding me by showing that the officer had done the right thing.
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