
The past couple of months have been mental, honestly. I spent such a long time trying to get to the Enforcer rank, with doubts being thrown at me daily due to this. I tried my very hardest and I got given the opportunity yet again to be apart of this amazing team of people.
Resigning right now? I'm happy with the work that I've done, I've held the top spot of reports for 5 consecutive weeks and in my book? That's not bad at all.
The reasons why I am resigning are due to real life stuff mostly, I mean I've been neglecting college work, my family and my friends all simply due to my position here at PERPheads.
This has been a hard decision to make, but I've always being a strong believer in 'real life over perp' because there's no point on putting all my energy into temporary stuff rather than something that's going to impact the rest of my life. I honestly have not being going to college, been neglecting my girlfriend and it's not impacted my life very well. I can't carry on.
I've been here for the past two years of my life, and I've met people who I consider close friends - As @MrLewis put it.. it's not just a community, it's a family.
This does not mean I'll be leaving the community, as I don't think I really could; I won't be about as much and I won't play the server much at all - But I'll still be here, on the forums and Teamspeak.
Guys, thank you all for such an amazing time. I could not of imagined gaining such a close relationship with this community not just being staff this time but gaining Administrator before.
@JordanResigning right now? I'm happy with the work that I've done, I've held the top spot of reports for 5 consecutive weeks and in my book? That's not bad at all.
The reasons why I am resigning are due to real life stuff mostly, I mean I've been neglecting college work, my family and my friends all simply due to my position here at PERPheads.
This has been a hard decision to make, but I've always being a strong believer in 'real life over perp' because there's no point on putting all my energy into temporary stuff rather than something that's going to impact the rest of my life. I honestly have not being going to college, been neglecting my girlfriend and it's not impacted my life very well. I can't carry on.
I've been here for the past two years of my life, and I've met people who I consider close friends - As @MrLewis put it.. it's not just a community, it's a family.
This does not mean I'll be leaving the community, as I don't think I really could; I won't be about as much and I won't play the server much at all - But I'll still be here, on the forums and Teamspeak.
Guys, thank you all for such an amazing time. I could not of imagined gaining such a close relationship with this community not just being staff this time but gaining Administrator before.
Jordan was undoubtedly one of the most influentual people in my time here at PERPheads, he's a down to earth, funny, intelligent person. I'm not being all gay here, but he was the person who actually somewhat believed in me when I was originally on the staff team. He gave me praise when I deserved it and told me things I could of done better. He was no doubt one of the best staff members I've seen.
Even though he's on holiday right now, I'd just like to mention Bolli. He's always known as this 'angry man' who not many people speak to, but if you get to know Bolli you understand that he's a funny, witty guy who does more than you'd expect. He's probably the best person you can put in his position.
See it's weird seeing Moron as Senior, because I used to work along side him when he was an Administrator and he was one of the calmest, funniest staff members you could get. He get's straight to the point with everything he says, yet can be lenient when he needs to. A friendly guy, who deserves the position he is in.
Fredy honestly has the dedication of a autistic hamster, he's amazing at what he does and the server without him would be absolutley nothing
Not many people get to see Stephen, but those who do know he's an amazing, funny, talented guy. Even though we thought he was dead for the past few days we're glad to have him.
Honorable Mentions:
You know who deserves to be the next Senior Administrator? Lewis. He's the most dedicated staff member I have seen in my time here. He's one of the staff members who I can actually say is a friend.
This retard, right.. I swear to god whoever promoted him had some magical power because he's turned out to be better than most Moderators. Being second in line for the report throne every week behind yours truly, damn man. Aarons supposed to be that trolly kid who got banned, you're doing amazing mate.
@John Daymon
He's one of the nicest angriest men you're ever going to meet, no doubt going to make it a long way in this community, been dedicated for over a year and still going strong today.
Furki is funny.
Also funny, bit of a cunt but yolo
Same applies, gmod tower was fun, girlgamer was angry
I can't be bothered finishing the list, I'd just like to thank you all for a great time to be honest.
Love ya guys.
Later nerds.
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