La Cosa Nostra - Applications

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(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: zXDroNEXz

-Age (OOC): 14

-Are YOU Active?: Yes

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:88346660

-Total playtime: 3 Weeks

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Spencer Reid

-List of all cars you own: Dodge Charger SRT-8 Black

-When are you mostly online?: All day.

-In which organizations have you been:

  • Paralake Military
  • Growing +
  • Crafting +
  • The Growing Power.
-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Crafting, Shooting, Lockpicking, Driving.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?:
I feel as if this organization would suit me best as it is classy and both very strong. I also would like to help the people in it aswell.
-Steam Name: Xanic^

-Age (OOC): 15

-Are YOU Active?: Everyday

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37784786

-Total playtime: 5 Days

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Laila Queen

-List of all cars you own: Right now Mini, but i will buy a Mercedes e63

-When are you mostly online?: Monday, Wednesday, Weekends. So nearly everyday

-In which organizations have you been:
Luxion family and The Growing Power

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Crafting/Shooting.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I think this is a great org and i will love to be in it and do my best. I'm Loyal and i will never lie to the members of this org. And i wanna have some friends again that i can trust and base with so i can have some fun.

- I know im bad at spelling xD

-Xanic^/Laila Queen.
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: [PH]NightHunterDK

-Age (OOC): 15

-Are YOU Active?: Very, I'm playing every time when i gets home and i will always be.

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:75386219

-Total playtime: 2 weeks. (ALMOST 3 WEEKS)

-Are you a VIP: Yes.

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Felix Wilson

-List of all cars you own: Nissan GTR(2 UPGRADES) I have the Lamborghini Murcielago SV right now(ONE UPGRADE)

-When are you mostly online?: Everyday(Atleast 7 to 8 hour and on weekends it's all day)

-In which organizations have you been: Dragons, Yakuza, Yardies and The Growing Power

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Building defences, driving and shooting. Best at building defences. Firearms level 73 (STILL WORKING ON IT)

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: This org seems to go far and it seems very
professional. I just want to join a org that knows what they are dealing with and a good community. I wanna join too because I want to meet new people and be friends with them. I hope this org will stay in a long time and that we all can have some fun and earn alot of money together. I believe this ORG is going to be the most powerful.

Thanks for reading this, I hope I will get accepted.

- Felix Wilson
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-Steam Name: Crimson Nugget

-Age (OOC): 17 (soon to be 18)

-Are YOU Active?: I am, specially during holidays. There's a rarely a day I go without connecting to the server.

-Steam ID: U:1:145223008

-Total playtime: 3 days

-Are you a VIP: Yes.

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Quentin Leblanc

-List of all cars you own: Mini Cooper.

-When are you mostly online?: During holidays, in the morning and afternoon. Otherwise, just during the afternoon.

-In which organizations have you been:
Growing Power
The Butcher Family

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: I mass craft a lot, just wait for 0% taxes and craft tons of stuff. I'm also a very good shot, be it as a cop or a civilian, put any gun in my hands and I won't go down with at least a couple of kills. Also: I'm an explosives fanatic, I just LOVE blowing stuff up and I craft bombs often. I like molotovs too.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: Because I want to belong somewhere after Growing Power disbanded. I'm relatively new but I already learned a lot, and I'm willing to learn more within this organization !
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name:A Angry Cp

-Are YOU Active?:Yes most of the times

-Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:79430437

-Total playtime: 2 weeks but i played much more than 2 weeks

-Are you a VIP: Sadly No but i am gonna get VIP

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Alex Dart

-List of all cars you own: Scion Tc,Hummer H1,Hudson Hornet

-When are you mostly online?:Always,sometimes im not on saturdays

-In which organizations have you been: Grove Street,Ballas

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?:Since the two other groups are disbanded,I cant really find a decent group until i saw this.
Also im bored of being a cop everytime
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name:A Angry Cp

-Are YOU Active?:Yes most of the times

-Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:79430437

-Total playtime: 2 weeks but i played much more than 2 weeks

-Are you a VIP: Sadly No but i am gonna get VIP

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Alex Dart

-List of all cars you own: Scion Tc,Hummer H1,Hudson Hornet

-When are you mostly online?:Always,sometimes im not on saturdays

-In which organizations have you been: Grove Street,Ballas

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?:Since the two other groups are disbanded,I cant really find a decent group until i saw this.
Also im bored of being a cop everytime
I was VIP
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: SteyLex

-Age (OOC): 15

-Are YOU Active?: Yes, i stopped for like 2 months. But i started perp again!

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51081375

-Total playtime: 1 week IC and 1 month OOC

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Sarah McCarthy

-List of all cars you own: A Jeep (Dont sure of the model name) Gonna buy soon a audi s4 avant

-When are you mostly online?: Mon-Friday : 16:00-22:00 And Weekend 12:00-00:00

-In which organizations have you been:
Crimson org, and merryweathersecurity but that org sucked

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Driving/Shooting/Building

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: Because, Robin is a really nice guy. I played sometimes with him. and i need a org where i have trust. My Friend : 'NightHunterDK' is too in Cosa Nostra. I wanna help Cosa Nostra
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(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: Alex

-Age (OOC): 14

-Are YOU Active?:Yes

-Steam ID:ill get when im on pc

-Total playtime: 1 month

-Are you a VIP: yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Danny Bishop

-List of all cars you own: dodge ram saving for lambo

-When are you mostly online?: everyday

-In which organizations have you been:
the virtuous, paralake militia, drugs inc, paralake partnership and a ton more

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: shooting/crafting/defence

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: i need a good loyal, active organisation.

@Robin Ljungberg pls
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(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: Dr. Terminator

-Age (OOC): 15

-Are YOU Active?: Yes atleast 3 hours a day

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:55500665

-Total playtime: 1 Week PH 2.5k Gmod

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Harry Whitelock

-List of all cars you own: Hummer H1

-When are you mostly online?: Everyday from 2:30 pm to 18:00 pm and in weekends also in evenings.

-In which organizations have you been: The Lopez Family, Z. PMC

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:
Shooting, Working alot on crafting.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I left my org because there was no more fun. Now in this org i would like to make new friends and refind that fun. I am very loyal and would never betray friends. I hope to learn alot of new things here and do my best to not disapoint anyone :D.
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(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: Piewtyvo (AC Milano)

-Age (OOC): 15

-Are YOU Active?: Yes

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85934640

-Total playtime: 1 week PH and 904h Gmod

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Sophie Moretto

-List of all cars you own: Ford Shelby

-When are you mostly online?: After 3:00PM +1 GMT

-In which organizations have you been: The Preston Organization (And i regret that...)

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:
Mostly decorating and driving

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I'm done with The Preston Organization and that's why I left it, I changed all my colors and I would love to join this organization because of the people who are in it. I like to spend time with well known people on the server like you guys and I'm always ready help.
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name:
Mr Zan

-Age (OOC):

-Are YOU Active?:
Very active indeed.

-Steam ID:

-Total playtime:
2 months (2500 hours on Garry's Mod, no life).

-Are you a VIP:

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name:
Zack Robberts

-List of all cars you own:
Mini Cooperman, Ford Shelby GT500

-When are you mostly online?:
When I get home, give or take a few hours of my day to revise, etc etc.

-In which organizations have you been:
The Growing Power (lol), The Armenian Mafia, Quality Street, Crafting+ (the old, less aggressive one), Paralake Partnership, Paralake Army, etc.

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:

Driving is good, building is good, shooting is alright, crafting is not great.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?:
Well, I caused an accident in my last organization which got everyone angry (and breaking NLR) so they kicked me. I do not feel like I did anything wrong. I am looking for an organization with some new chaps in and some friendly faces. Hopefully I can develop some of my skills in this organization too.

@Robin Ljungberg
Nice one.
-Zack Robberts/Mr Zan
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-Steam Name:
-Age (OOC):
-Are YOU Active?:
-Steam ID:
Will add tomorrow
-Total playtime:
2 weeks+
-Are you a VIP:
Not atm but I will buy it 1st of December
(IC Questions)

-Ingame name:
Andrew James
-List of all cars you own:
None atm
-When are you mostly online?:
-In which organizations have you been:
Many, I was also trial for the virtuous
-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:
Crafting and shooting.
-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?:

I want to join Cosa Nostra as I fell that this is the organisation that I would want to be in, it fits me and my personality. I also want to meet new people and become friends with them.
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: Nathanial Kray

-Age (OOC): 17

-Are YOU Active?: Becoming very active (Took some time out with personal shit)

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42966567

-Total playtime: about 5 months

-Are you a VIP: not yet (seeking sombody to sell me it :c)

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Nathanial Trapani

-List of all cars you own: Volkswagen beetle

-When are you mostly online?: about 4PM - 1:30 AM

-In which organizations have you been: The Mcdongahughs (Proberly mispelt) The Locos the Trapani family

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: I'm a half decent shooter but my best skill is my Voice I'm funny and good at Nagotiations so I tend to be able to talk me way out of situations quite abit (Speeding Tickets interrogations etc)

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I want to join a gang That I can dedicate myself to I want to work for a group that has good members a realistic backstory and Ideas and also be able to work effectivley for them. I also want to join so I can get a good understanding about the gang landscape as the old Family I worked for are currently disbanded and I need a new start with a new family who respect the Idea of Bussniss and not "kill for fun" sort of situation

Kindest Regaurds
Nathanial Kray (Tranpani)
  • -Steam Name:{PF}MidoTheCigar

    -Age (OOC): 15 to 16

    -Are YOU Active?: Yea

    -Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85304339

    -Total playtime:6 days

    -Are you a VIP: Nah but am goin the next time I play

    (IC Questions)

    -Ingame name: Imed Lahmar

    -List of all cars you own: No car, gonna buy the
    Mercedes sel 300

    -When are you mostly online?: When I can Play, depends

    -In which organizations have you been:I never was in one cause I wanted to start my own, but I said to my self Mido hold ye balls and join one and badda bing this would be the first if I joined it.

  • -What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Shooting and Negotiating.
    -Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: Because as I said earlier I wanted to join an org and I found this suitable and robin seems to like the godfather and thats something I like, so lets just say this org attracts me with the mafia mood in it.
  • Note: I wanna stay wearin my red suit I mean the suit is my sig. and my voice.
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  • -Steam Name:
    -Age (OOC):
    14 (almost 15)
    -Are YOU Active?:
    -Steam ID:
    -Total playtime:
    1 week+
    -Are you a VIP:
    (IC Questions)

    -Ingame name:
    Hailey Butcher
    -List of all cars you own:
    double upgraded Ford crown victoria
    -When are you mostly online?:
weekends: the whole day
schoolweeks: after school has been finished
-In which organizations have you been:

The Growing Power
The Butcher family
MI5: The security agency

  • -What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:
    crafting and shooting.
    -Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?:
Because I helped (and saw) some of your members raiding people and I think that these raids were planned perfectly. This org also has a very good leader which gives the members clear orders.. your bases are always very strong and always are providing good protection to the members of the org. this is one org I have felt safe with, even without being in it, and I like to give something back to the organisation by offering my "services" and total respect and commitment.
OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: GamingPeach

-Age (OOC): 15

-Are YOU Active?: Yes

-Steam ID:

-Total playtime:

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: David Peach

-List of all cars you own: Fully upgraded BMW M3 and an Nissan GTR One up grade

-When are you mostly online?: GMT+0 4-11PM

-In which organizations have you been: AM, Growing Power Can't remember the name but I was in one with zack Roberts a while back.

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc:
I have a unique driving skill allowing me to evade police in chases. I also have a lot of experience with shotguns very good with them in fact. I build simple things if need be.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I want to join as I am a useful part of the team (also able to help) I know you Robin from a previous org and their are many friends in this family so why not.
(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: Alex

-Age (OOC): 14 1/2

-Are YOU Active?: Yes

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:71196251

-Total playtime: 1 month(playtime) 1year+(ooc time)

-Are you a VIP: Yes

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Danny Bishop

-List of all cars you own: Black Audi S5

-When are you mostly online?: Everyday unless im not home, around 16:30 - 23:00 gmt+0

-In which organizations have you been:
The Virtuous, Paralake Partnership, Paralake private militia, Z.PMC, Destiny, a ton more.

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: Crafting, shooting.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I want to join The Cosa Nostra because it looks like a great org, there are nice people in it, also a few people i know, such as you Robin, I need a good and loyal org that i can trust. Also i have many times joined C+ or Cosa Nostra if they were raided by police, I've shot the police to help them. Idk if Zack Robberts can confirm this, i believe he was there today when i helped.
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(OOC Questions)

-Steam Name: Fryes

-Age (OOC): 13

-Are YOU Active?: yes

-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81693340

-Total playtime: over 1 month

-Are you a VIP:

(IC Questions)

-Ingame name: Gustavo Smith

-List of all cars you own: Transit. Saving for a good car. Can get a bmw if needed

-When are you mostly online?: Trying to be online everyday for atleast some hours

-In which organizations have you been: Growing power,The davidson family, FBI, Zaigar Family and some other orgs i cant remember.

-What is your skill? Crafting/Shooting/Building etc: I am good at crafting and at shooting.

-Why do you want to join The Cosa Nostra?: I need a loyal org that does not betray their members and that will help a org member in need. I will help asap if someone needs some help and i would like to meet new persons and get to know them
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