MP5 for the police

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Topic: The mayor should be able to set an MP5 as firearm for the police

Short explanation (in notes):
- Mayor can set it to the armory in lockdown or terror alert situations
- Should be added when the police is whitelisted

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
You know it, Paris, just after the terror attack the police started to have MP5's on them.
This is because of the terror alert in Paris. And its not the only country in europe where the police starts having MP5's on them. For example the federal police in germany.

Optional additions:
- Use of the MP5 in responds is only allowed when the LT/Sergeant allowes to
Im yes and no about this gun mostly because of several characteristics of the gun it has a folding stock meaning you can conceal it it uses 9mm ammo meaning it is not that strong. I have asked the board about making the M1911 standard issue the supervisors use it and it is a good competitor to many other weapons out there. In one raid I took down 3 out of 4 suspects and was the last one standing.

I will let one of the board look into this but the only reason why the MP5 is strong with 9mm is because it takes half a mag to kill someone and that is not efficient.
This is sort of an additional thing
They should add Remington's because in America white listed cops have a remmingtonn in their trunks
Shouldn't it be the LT who has the power to "lockdown" the armoury not the mayor, as technically the mayor has no power over the police departments runnings and such. Also, you say that the mayor should have powers to set it however you then go ahead and say that only when the sergeant and LT allows it which is a bit confusing?

Lastly, the police force has SWAT which has full body armour, an armoured van and a 4 man team. Also the only things close to a terror attack that happen in paralake are like bank robberies and raids.
-Support, no need to add this, the cops would be too good as the mp5 is actually pretty good.
First and foremost, I get the idea. And It's a great idea, but wouldn't that make S.W.A.T useless? Since this roleplay is set in an american theme, I'd suggest shotguns. But I think this won't work very well with the people that joins the police, many people with lack of knowledgement will be able to use them. So there will be more casaulties to innocent civillians during a raid, so for everybodies safety I think we should stick to our handguns for now.
Senior police officers will have a high calibre weapon/ shotgun in their trunk after the whitelist, this has been the intention of the PD and the devs for a while now.
This can be locked
Senior police officers will have a high calibre weapon/ shotgun in their trunk after the whitelist, this has been the intention of the PD and the devs for a while now.
This can be locked
Fixed instantly, do one
Senior police officers will have a high calibre weapon/ shotgun in their trunk after the whitelist, this has been the intention of the PD and the devs for a while now.
This can be locked
Fixed instantly, do one
Revolvers confirmed :booty: (on phone)
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