Action Request: ✯ Wolfjie ✯ #Robin4Enforcer // Harry Gilbert

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Jordan // Steven Arnott

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ✯ Wolfjie ✯ #Robin4Enforcer // Harry Gilbert

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59839910

Why Should This Player Be Punished: In this situation, the alleged offending player, Harry Gilbert shows blatant disregard to basic forms of roleplay which resulted in the player breaking rule 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk.

A brief summary of the situation; an audible alarm from a vehicle is heard from one of the Bazaar parking lots, I check it out and find one suspicious looking fellow named Joe Baggers standing by the vehicles with a lovely grin on his face, as that gives me reasonable grounds to search the individual, I proceed to place him in handcuffs and take him to my vehicle to perform a search. Whilst making my way to the vehicle I'm greeted by Harry Gilbert who seems to be blatantly disregarding traffic laws in-front of me by driving on the sidewalk. As we reach the patrol vehicle where I was about to search Joe Baggers, my detainee, for any items that could of been used in the attempted vehicular theft, Harry Gilbert rams into my vehicle, I ask the driver to vacate the vehicle, he fails to do so, I then command the driver to step out and once again he fails, he then decides to escalate the situation by trying to ram myself down, I pull out my firearm and order him once again, he accelerates which is when I start discharging my firearm. I then successfully disable the vehicle, I holster my firearm, take out my handcuffs and go to apprehend the suspect but then I was gunned down.

Elaborating on why I feel this player should be punished; I assume Harry Gilbert was attempting to 'rescue' his associate who was detained by me. Obviously Harry has entered the situation prematurely and hasn't understood the 'ins and outs' of the situation which has resulted in him jumping to conclusions. I do not feel Harry Gilbert can justify his actions to be beneficial that put his freedom from imprisonment and general well-being at major risk which is a necessity to 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk. The situation was escalated for no reason at all and the interference of the roleplay situation was not necessary and not justifiable. I'd love to hear @Wolfjie side of the situation as he may be able to provide a reasonable excuse.

Thanks for reading!

Evidence (Demo Required): Demo available upon request.

Tick: Situation starts from the very begging of the video however the actual bit where the alleged rule-break occurs is at 2:00

I was the Lieutenant at the time. He evidently broke 3.4 because he killed you over a minor jail sentence maybe even a ticket.
Lol I had to start something at bazaar because my org were planning a big raid and we needed a distraction I also thought baggers was going in for 8 or more years at the time because he was doing bad things at bazaar I'm pretty sure he was stealing more cars earlier and everyone knew he was so I thought the officer knew too. I also did not mean to run you over mate I tried to like move back and leave but my shit car turning sucked so I went into you then I had the low fps spike and lagged then my fps went back to being fine and I found you wrecked my car so then I got out and shot because where I lagged so much I did not know if I ran someone over or what I panicked mate sorry

got a good shot on you though

Overall I am sorry I was meant to just leave but fps lag and bad turning very sorry mate was not really my fault. I hope you understand
Lol I had to start something at bazaar because my org were planning a big raid and we needed a distraction I also thought baggers was going in for 8 or more years at the time because he was doing bad things at bazaar I'm pretty sure he was stealing more cars earlier and everyone knew he was so I thought the officer knew too. I also did not mean to run you over mate I tried to like move back and leave but my shit car turning sucked so I went into you then I had the low fps spike and lagged then my fps went back to being fine and I found you wrecked my car so then I got out and shot because where I lagged so much I did not know if I ran someone over or what I panicked mate sorry

got a good shot on you though

Overall I am sorry I was meant to just leave but fps lag and bad turning very sorry mate was not really my fault. I hope you understand

Hi @Wolfjie, appreciate the somewhat informal reply and apology. You're saying that you needed a distraction for this 'big raid', surely doing what you did was the complete opposite, why not let the situation play out so the officer went away? A lot of what you're saying was 'I thought' you weren't certain about anything which has resulted in the unnecessary death of the LEO. Acting prematurely in situations like this leads to poor quality roleplay as it usually ends up in one party jumping to conclusions and in this situation it has ruined the roleplay situation that was taking place.

The user clearly had full intention of running you over, he had no reason whatsoever to have even attempted to run you over, resulting in the shootout which unfortunately you died. he risked his freedom and general well being by murdering a police officer.

You can not use "Lag" as an excuse when something goes wrong, if you tend to lag on the server you should not be driving as "accidents" like these happen.

Due too the poor record of the offender he shall be receiving a longer ban length due to a very high amount of warnings and bans.
I highly suggest you change your conduct within the community if you wish to continue being a part of it.
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