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  • I have a bit of a workflow now that generally gives adequate results. I'm keeping the same texture resolution as the current ones so that they keep sort of a consistent quality so there's not a "must have" look. But I will admit some turn out better than others. I can't guarantee all heads will get a new one and others may get more than one. :bag: I do what I can.
    Some more work has been done on the female shown based on some feedback I received. She now has less pronounced highlights, eyebrows adjusted some, and "makeup" reduced. All in all to produce a more natural look. Like I said, I am still learning how to do this, but I am pleased with the results personally. I now need to find a workflow to do them a bit faster with still good quality results.


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    I suggest you try to make the eyes and eyebrows similar in expression to the originals since these new versions have a strange “staring into your soul” kind of feel when I look at them personally. I don’t know if anyone else feels the same.
    Maybe. I feel when I've made her eyebrows level like how the original is, then she's a bit expressionless. Since we don't have any emotions shown really, it makes the face sort of bland. I can look into trying to make the corners of the mouth go the other way though.
    I NEED her
    Overall the idea is to get some more faces out there to make people more diverse in their appearance. Obviously we can't possibly make everyone unique as everyone is free to pick every aspect of their look. However, if we can work toward more possibilities I personally think that helps make everything more enjoyable when doing so.
    Because so many people were curious and wanted to see, I will reveal one thing I am happy with. They may still get some refinement yet and they will just be more options to pick. I will look into improving other parts to match too but for now... Here's the current and my new ones pics


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    Kid named Finger
    I like the finer detail but they look like they’re made out of plastic, hell at first I thought it was AI generated modifications lmao

    Also you should make sure the skin stays consistent from the neck below because currently there’s just a sudden skin tone change for some models
    Obviously I haven't done anything to match the head with the rest. It was to see if I could create new faces. Yes, there are plastic-y elements, but that still generally looks better than the current which lacks any definition. At any kind of distance that's not an issue but they still look decent.


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    So unfortunately I haven't created as much as I would've liked to in the last couple weeks. However, I decided to experiment with making something I never felt I could even do in the past and I feel it went amazingly well. If enough people show interest I will post a test pic of it.
    Good news, a "simple" thing I tried to see if it would work for V6, did! It may not be super detailed or complex but for making V6 even more alive, it does nicely.
    Bad news, I tried seeing if banking a turn on the highway would help taking it at higher speed, did not have any noticable improvement. If anything it made the turn more unstable.
    No picture this time but I keep thinking of small things to make; which even if not something you immediately notice I think they will increase the incredible difference V6 brings with it. A simple example being proper guardrails for the highway. They may seem minor but as they're pieced together it means V6 may be such a different vibe that it will be Paralake in spirit, but at the same time... a whole new map.
    So excited to see what looks to be a much more atmospheric Paralake. Still praying we may one day get soundscapes and maybe even the return of weather.
    While I'm not going to guarantee either of those in the short term of V6 release, I will say there are plans to help make the map a bit more dynamic which should help make it not seem the same all the time that likely will be done in time for it.
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    Because so many models and textures will be made by us for V6 rather than so much reliance on HL2 and some others. There will be incredible changes that should add more of a new feeling to the map in lots of ways.

    The attached image is for demonstration purposes as I haven't finalized the tree nor placements. Ignore any lighting issues you may notice as it was a quick test build.image-19.png
    I'll admit that I've not been updating as much as I could be so I'll share this recent creation of mine. You can expect to see them in V6 in all sorts of places. This example is simply for show and likely will not reflect the final result. There are more types of new trees and bushes in the works.

    As Paralake is very close to the limits allowed we have to conserve when possible, however we are looking to make V6 nicer with many new custom models and textures. So many places and ways you may be used to somewhere looking, it is likely to be different than now. Of course we are always aiming to make gameplay fluid and enjoyable based on these changes so the experience is improved as well.
    So we had to redo some planning for V6 recently. However, the changes should make V6 even better than originally planned. We still plan to have the different areas pretty well segmented to their own, but a number of things will be moved to new locations for ease of access from just starting out to buying your 1 millionth burger from Fredy's. Everyone benefits from it all.
    While I'm not at liberty to say/show a whole lot. We have made a plan for the city portion of V6. There is a lot to love with the changes. Later today I hope to plan out the business portion. I also have made some concepts for how the new apartments could be done.
    This may be a bit open ended of a request. Apart from anything with the player model, what are some models or textures details you think need improving the most?
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    Farm area outside ground texture feels very out of place imo. All of it is just brown dirt with rocks here and there. Given I am also taking into consideration my suggestion for farming as a job, a change in addition to the textures to make the farm look a little more fertile for planting instead of just being sand,rock and rough terrain could come together as a cool makeover for that area
    possibly leading to it being used more for roleplay other than just a drug growth spot or a hideout after bank or at least the area would look like a place you can really farm plants at. (part 2 of my message due to 420 character limit)
    Farm is getting some large changes in V6, so there will be differences than how it is now. That said, for what I do myself, I am looking more into models and textures on them rather than map related textures.
    Happy 10 years everyone! It has been amazing to watch this community grow from where we started. I am still working on the ideas I mentioned before, so don't think they've gone away. PH always strives to create new and fun ideas for however you enjoy playing!
    I am still planning out how some of the jobs I want to add will work, along with how they will if no one is actively employed as them. As ideally they revolutionize some things that players are not fond of, but does make it so players are more engaged with the city as a whole. But that may come in future updates after the initial scheme is set up.
    This status is for anyone who disagrees or has some generic questions with the taking away of some (3-4) ownable properties. Valid reasons for disliking must be written down, liking this status means nothing.
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    the problem is those large buildings are also the only places large orgs can base without taking up 3 apartments at the same time, other that office.
    I made this message too long (increase character limit for profile comments pls)
    Here’s a pastebin of what I had to say:
    I don't disagree that they are useful for larger orgs but also without modifying the map they are the buildings that both fit the theme of the potential jobs and the size of things required for them. I would say editing the map would be best but that's outside my expertise and takes a lot longer to do.
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