Server Suggestion Heroin and Morphine Production

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North Dublin
Suggestion Title: Heroin and Morphine Production
Suggestion Description: Add heroin and Morphine to Paralake for a philadelphian classic! Opium will be extracted from plants bought by the drug dealer,dry it out into a paste, process it with solvents such as: Toluene, Acetone. (This will create Morphine which could be sold as is) and combine it with chemicals such as: Acetic anhydride (to avoid realism, mix water with vinegar to create this) and then goes through the same process as the Morphine. This drug should temporarily blackout the user for two minutes and weaken them after. (Since this is more time-taking than Meth, this should give more reward from sell.)

Why should this be added?:
- A increased variety of drugs in the server
- Philadelphia
- More drug usage in Paralake, and potential public drug dealers.

What negatives could this have?:
- A horde of folded people in the middle of the intersection
- Potential overdoses
- Accidental Exposure to heroin

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Lack of drug usage in Paralake, People not getting enough money from their drugs, etc...

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The problem any variety or addition to our current system creates its own set of issues, pressure, or confusion to the player.
Mushrooms I've rarely seen. Lots consider Meth too dangerous/not worth it (I think it could be a decent system if you have the right setup) but there's much easier options.
Think this would be a good idea but you would just have to make it appeal to players so yeah ok better pay but the risks have to be more significant / more time costly which will then deter players.
The problem any variety or addition to our current system creates its own set of issues, pressure, or confusion to the player.
Mushrooms I've rarely seen. Lots consider Meth too dangerous/not worth it (I think it could be a decent system if you have the right setup) but there's much easier options.
I understand what you mean with this, but the amounts of raids in Paralake would already make this a sketchy drug to produce since it takes a little longer to produce in comparison with meth,coke, etc... So hopefully with the danger of this, this could increase payout.
Think this would be a good idea but you would just have to make it appeal to players so yeah ok better pay but the risks have to be more significant / more time costly which will then deter players.
Just what I said about this other comment (if a mod is reading this thread please do not deny it today! I have school tomorrow)
Suggestion Title: Heroin and Morphine Production
Suggestion Description: Add heroin and fentanyl to Paralake for a philadelphian classic! Opium will be extracted from plants bought by the drug dealer, to dry it, process it with solvents such as: Toluene, Acetone. (This will create Morphine which could be sold as is) and combine it with chemicals such as: Acetic anhydride (to avoid realism, mix water with vinegar to create this) and then goes through the same process as the Morphine. This drug should temporarily blackout the user for two minutes and weaken them after. (Since this is more time-taking than Meth, this should give more reward from sell.)

Why should this be added?:
- A increased variety of drugs in the server
- Philadelphia
- More drug usage in Paralake, and potential public drug dealers.

What negatives could this have?:
- A horde of folded people in the middle of the intersection
- Potential overdoses
- Accidental Exposure to heroin

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Lack of drug usage in Paralake, People not getting enough money from their drugs, etc...

Useful Images:

You should provide your recommended prices and the estimated time required for phases

This was never truly a problem
$300/Batch 25 Mins Grow Indoor,15 Outdoor/ 10 Min Dry/5 Min Solvent Cleaning
Is there no benefit to using either of them? I would at least imagine that Morphine syringes would be useful for combat as it's a strong pain relief.
Is there no benefit to using either of them? I would at least imagine that Morphine syringes would be useful for combat as it's a strong pain relief.
True but primarily they are drugs, and I mainly made this about heroin. Yes the Morphine should have a buff and the heroin make you more rabid.

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