Server Suggestion Heroin and Morphine Production

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North Dublin
Suggestion Title: Heroin and Morphine Production
Suggestion Description: Add heroin and Morphine to Paralake for a philadelphian classic! Opium will be extracted from plants bought by the drug dealer,dry it out into a paste, process it with solvents such as: Toluene, Acetone. (This will create Morphine which could be sold as is) and combine it with chemicals such as: Acetic anhydride (to avoid realism, mix water with vinegar to create this) and then goes through the same process as the Morphine. This drug should temporarily blackout the user for two minutes and weaken them after. (Since this is more time-taking than Meth, this should give more reward from sell.)

Why should this be added?:
- A increased variety of drugs in the server
- Philadelphia
- More drug usage in Paralake, and potential public drug dealers.

What negatives could this have?:
- A horde of folded people in the middle of the intersection
- Potential overdoses
- Accidental Exposure to heroin

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Lack of drug usage in Paralake, People not getting enough money from their drugs, etc...

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The problem any variety or addition to our current system creates its own set of issues, pressure, or confusion to the player.
Mushrooms I've rarely seen. Lots consider Meth too dangerous/not worth it (I think it could be a decent system if you have the right setup) but there's much easier options.
Think this would be a good idea but you would just have to make it appeal to players so yeah ok better pay but the risks have to be more significant / more time costly which will then deter players.
The problem any variety or addition to our current system creates its own set of issues, pressure, or confusion to the player.
Mushrooms I've rarely seen. Lots consider Meth too dangerous/not worth it (I think it could be a decent system if you have the right setup) but there's much easier options.
I understand what you mean with this, but the amounts of raids in Paralake would already make this a sketchy drug to produce since it takes a little longer to produce in comparison with meth,coke, etc... So hopefully with the danger of this, this could increase payout.
Think this would be a good idea but you would just have to make it appeal to players so yeah ok better pay but the risks have to be more significant / more time costly which will then deter players.
Just what I said about this other comment (if a mod is reading this thread please do not deny it today! I have school tomorrow)
Suggestion Title: Heroin and Morphine Production
Suggestion Description: Add heroin and fentanyl to Paralake for a philadelphian classic! Opium will be extracted from plants bought by the drug dealer, to dry it, process it with solvents such as: Toluene, Acetone. (This will create Morphine which could be sold as is) and combine it with chemicals such as: Acetic anhydride (to avoid realism, mix water with vinegar to create this) and then goes through the same process as the Morphine. This drug should temporarily blackout the user for two minutes and weaken them after. (Since this is more time-taking than Meth, this should give more reward from sell.)

Why should this be added?:
- A increased variety of drugs in the server
- Philadelphia
- More drug usage in Paralake, and potential public drug dealers.

What negatives could this have?:
- A horde of folded people in the middle of the intersection
- Potential overdoses
- Accidental Exposure to heroin

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Lack of drug usage in Paralake, People not getting enough money from their drugs, etc...

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You should provide your recommended prices and the estimated time required for phases

This was never truly a problem
$300/Batch 25 Mins Grow Indoor,15 Outdoor/ 10 Min Dry/5 Min Solvent Cleaning
Is there no benefit to using either of them? I would at least imagine that Morphine syringes would be useful for combat as it's a strong pain relief.
Is there no benefit to using either of them? I would at least imagine that Morphine syringes would be useful for combat as it's a strong pain relief.
True but primarily they are drugs, and I mainly made this about heroin. Yes the Morphine should have a buff and the heroin make you more rabid.

For those worried about whether or not a more Advanced System will be preferred by the player base, please read:

The drug system at the moment is very basic and simple, but it works.

A Lot of the people who actually use this as their primary means of making money I'm sure would like a more Advanced System, that requires more effort to do but offers more money in return.

Yes, it may be complicated for Newer players to understand, but this more Advanced Substance wouldn't be intended for New Players to be doing anyway.

They would first begin with the basic Marijuana and Cocaine and then progress naturally through Meth to Opioids - being the endgame racket.

I Think this would add a smooth progression for the Drug System in both difficulty and cost, but also in Risk/Reward - Allowing more experienced players an Advanced and Highly rewarding System that takes both more time and effort to complete.
Maybe skip the “morphine” part and replace it with “opiate solution” you can use to make painkillers or something. Having the drug sellable in 2 forms could be beneficial, but the likely reality is it’d just be a coca leaf situation where it’s better to sell the opiate to players who want to make heroin. That being said, meth is already a seldom travelled path, and complicating heroin in exchange for granting a sellable product prior to the full completion to the DD wouldn’t suffice.

Is there no benefit to using either of them? I would at least imagine that Morphine syringes would be useful for combat as it's a strong pain relief.
You are not fragging the whole PD on morphine bro, sorry to say. Enough morphine to treat gunshot pain is enough to be chasing the purple dragon.
Maybe skip the “morphine” part and replace it with “opiate solution” you can use to make painkillers or something. Having the drug sellable in 2 forms could be beneficial, but the likely reality is it’d just be a coca leaf situation where it’s better to sell the opiate to players who want to make heroin. That being said, meth is already a seldom travelled path, and complicating heroin in exchange for granting a sellable product prior to the full completion to the DD wouldn’t suffice.

You are not fragging the whole PD on morphine bro, sorry to say. Enough morphine to treat gunshot pain is enough to be chasing the purple dragon.
You are not fragging the whole PD on morphine bro, sorry to say. Enough morphine to treat gunshot pain is enough to be chasing the purple dragon.
Childish response, I never claimed I'd wipe PD. Furthermore, I said it should help with combat.

If I was to choose what effect it gave, I'd make it so 1 syringe gives a player 300 seconds long effect where he/she can run and jump normally even if crippled.
You are not fragging the whole PD on morphine bro, sorry to say. Enough morphine to treat gunshot pain is enough to be chasing the purple dragon.
Looks like Bnje over here already found the secret stash, cause this comment made no sense and he seems to be hallucinating from taking too much heroin/morphine.

Aside from that I do think morphine would be a great addition to Perp with some benefits like more stamina etc.
Childish response, I never claimed I'd wipe PD. Furthermore, I said it should help with combat.

If I was to choose what effect it gave, I'd make it so 1 syringe gives a player 300 seconds long effect where he/she can run and jump normally even if crippled.
Sorry if the use of humour made it seem like I was insulting you, it was just a better way of getting the point across. What I’m trying to say is, you are saying it should be useful for combat, so you were in fact implying that’d be what it should be used for.

The ability to outright cancel being crippled by a drug category item would be far too powerful. You’re onto something with that idea, you’ve got the ball rolling but a bit too fast. I’d say making it so it increases speed whilst crippled is a good addition, outright cancelling would just mean I can just shoot up every 5 minutes.
I wasn't implying anything about PD.

I said if it removes the cripple effect temporarily for only 5 minutes (300s).

It seemed too obvious to mention, but because the drug is so heavy, therefore using another syringe before 10 minutes have passed should kill the user from overdose.

It's important to remember the process is similar, if not harder than meth. So I'm sure most, if not all, would prefer it be worth their while.
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