The most hated thing on perp

Car handling in gmod is terrible and there's nothing being done to improve it as far as I am aware neither is there something being to done in regards to allowing more car tuning / upgrade freedom to accommodate people's aesthetic cars into preforming better on driving capability. At least the roads in V6 are supposed to not have as many dead ends and be better.
Imo the driving system in perpheads is dome perfectly
What is that one thing that you hate the most about perpheads? That can be a game mechanic,rule,member ANYTHING!

Personally,its the car spike because sometimes it works fine,sometimes works incorrect or doesnt work at all.
As a shotgun lover, sometimes the dont register hits. I point blanked one gentleman who was standing on top of me, it just hut the ceiling and i got killed
When a suspect you are arresting wants a supervisor while you are a supervisor and instead wants a LT or higher and i have to explain to them that the arresting officer is a supervisor doesn't need to ask for a higher up
What is that one thing that you hate the most about perpheads? That can be a game mechanic,rule,member ANYTHING!

Personally,its the car spike because sometimes it works fine,sometimes works incorrect or doesnt work at all.
3.4 breakers. seems like some people prefer to be banned for a week than dare surrender to someone.
Any new officer not a sergeant reading this use unit radio to call for a supervisor (N), then say there is no supervisor available after waiting a couple minutes. The animation is the same. If you somehow ever get caught, say you missclicked. This is how I avoided calling a supervisor always.
Troll phone calls. Drives me nuts when I get calls about transactions and it turns out it's just someone who decided it would be funny to troll someone and waste their time.
Dragging players. Buggy as hell, and clunky for both the officer dragging, and the person being dragged. Just everything about that mechanic needs a rework.
Dragging weapons too, you drop them like they got buttered completely up.
Car handling in gmod is terrible and there's nothing being done to improve it as far as I am aware neither is there something being to done in regards to allowing more car tuning / upgrade freedom to accommodate people's aesthetic cars into preforming better on driving capability. At least the roads in V6 are supposed to not have as many dead ends and be better.
I also think there's a limit to how much you can do with car handling and cars in general in gmod, now I may admittedly be wrong asf cause I haven't ever played with car handling files in gmod.
As a shotgun lover, sometimes the dont register hits. I point blanked one gentleman who was standing on top of me, it just hut the ceiling and i got killed
Tbh this is more a source issue than gmod. If I had a penny for every time that shit has denied me a kill on tf2...