Search results

  1. Classiy

    Boyle Playing BF4 :)

    BEST OF BOIL! I have worked hard for the last 10 minutes to chop up this disgusting unprocessed audio into something usable for amusing your friends. We have great hits like: Dick Toucher Fag like Jackier Game needs to fuck off In the bumhole Jew Killers and NINETY FUCKING NINE. All in...
  2. Classiy

    Boyle Playing BF4 :)

  3. Classiy


  4. Classiy

    I enjoy CS:GO casual more than competitive. Is there something wrong with me?

    I enjoy CS:GO casual more than competitive. Is there something wrong with me?
  5. Classiy

    AR on Suicide/Jimmy Franson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Classiy/Frank Legard His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Suicide/Jimmy Franson His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60210992 Why Should This Player Be Punished: In the beginning of this demo which was submitted by Suicide/Marian (Forum Name) in his AR on Snafu, he forces a player that...
  6. Classiy

    AR on GamingPeach

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Classiy/Frank Legard His/Her Steam/In-game Name: GamingPeach/David Peach His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83369436 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 5.1: Peach pulled and aimed his firearm and then told me to do something among the lines of getting down in public to try...
  7. Classiy

    The NEW Lopez Family

    Problemo fixed. Edited.
  8. Classiy

    Yet another giveaway (Tomb Raider) Oh yes.
  9. Classiy

    Rainbow Six Fav operators

    Someone needs to keep Mute, Jager and the other electro-cucks in line.
  10. Classiy


  11. Classiy

    But he has no ass.

    But he has no ass.
  12. Classiy

    AR on DilanTheSanta

    I would suggest to anyone reading this thread to read the comments on the latest post on this thread by [THPM] Hail Hydra Jake, as that is where I address and debunk his defenses.
  13. Classiy

    AR on DilanTheSanta

    Looks like I have to sort some stuff out. You say that you know the murderer and that you wanted to save her, emphasis on 'her' but the murderer was, as stated in previous comments, a male by the name of James Montgomery who never communicated with you and was arrested several minutes...
  14. Classiy

    AR on DilanTheSanta

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Classiy/Frank Legard His Steam/In-game Name: DilanTheSanta/Frank Zepol His SteamID: STEAM_0:0:93536581 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, 2.1. Threw a body involved in a murder case into a pool of water for no reason while singing 'Wedding March/Here Comes the...
  15. Classiy

    AR ON Hafez Hamah

    After watching the demo, King of Ungala, Hafez Hama/Simon the Savage clearly broke 3.6 and 3.24, didn't RP any sort of fear whatsoever for his death saying it was because he had no items and didn't make any attempt to save his life once Andoyan started shooting. He also did fail to comply with...
  16. Classiy My Chr- Winter jam of the year. My Chr- Winter jam of the year.
  17. Classiy

    Shield for swat

  18. Classiy

    Oh, thanks.

    Oh, thanks.
  19. Classiy

    AR on DilanTheSanta and [PH] KILLER

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Classiest of Nando Their Steam/In-game Names: DilanTheSanta/Joseph Zepol and [PH] KILLER/Alex Allen Their SteamIDs: STEAM_0:0:93536581 (DilanTheSanta) and STEAM_0:1:95528259 ([PH] KILLER] Why Should These Players Be Punished: 4.1, 2.1, 4.3 and 3.4. Dilan and KILLER as...
  20. Classiy

    It's too salty for his poff face.

    It's too salty for his poff face.
  21. Classiy

    AR on [PH]Jamie2200

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Classiest of Nando/Frank Legard His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PH]Jamie2200/Jamie Wood His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:92167264 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, neglected risk of grievous bodily harm and very possible death as he tried to body-block a tow-truck trying...
  22. Classiy

    AR on Ludus/Bobby Brackins

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Classiest of Nando/Frank Legard His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ludus/Bobby Brackins His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:36979711 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 5.1. Ludus tried to mug me directly underneath a security camera at Bazaar before attempting to bring me to a more...
  23. Classiy

    Please change my forum name to Classiy

    Please change my forum name to Classiy
  24. Classiy

    Have good birthday yes?

    Have good birthday yes?
  25. Classiy

    Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45

    Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45 is a fan made conversion of the Unreal Tournament mod Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, a first person realism based shooter that stands out from the crowd by focusing on the eastern front with the two factions being the German Wermacht and the Russian Red Army. The...
  26. Classiy

    AR on mr.cobra

    It's really amazing how you can pick a door lock while not nearly close enough to the lock. Just saying.
  27. Classiy

    AR on mr.cobra

    Hey, Goli: provide a demo so we can see your mic icon. It's really convenient how you keep on shitting the same garbage out of your mouth saying that you were shouting at him, yet we can't see the icon. Do it.
  28. Classiy

    AR on mr.cobra

    How did Stevo break any sort of gunpoint? Let's look at when Goliathus took out the gun: As you can see, Stevo is just in front of Goliathus, but it would make complete sense for him not to see the gun, as from his perspective, Goliathus would be holding it at the side of his body. Now, when...
  29. Classiy

    You triggered my Tumblr goyfriend, I'm thoughtstopping you for the rest of the week.

    You triggered my Tumblr goyfriend, I'm thoughtstopping you for the rest of the week.
  30. Classiy

    Christmas giveaway

    Name: The Marcx Man Steam Link: Why do you want to win? I need money. Please let me sell.