AR on DilanTheSanta

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Classiy/Frank Legard
His Steam/In-game Name: DilanTheSanta/Frank Zepol
His SteamID: STEAM_0:0:93536581
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
3.4, 2.1. Threw a body involved in a murder case into a pool of water for no reason while singing 'Wedding March/Here Comes the Bride', which resulted in his arrest and, if I had felt secure in moving him to the PD, which I honestly should have done, would have given him a 5-7 year sentence for destruction of evidence. However, he still lost 1,000$ from the incident which gave him no benefit whatsoever and also ruined any sort of serious roleplay involving the murder that took place.
Evidence (Demo Required): 11-37-15.dem?dl=0


I tried to do this without the police seeing as I believed one of my friends had committed the murder, then the evidence would be wiped from the body completely.
I've already told you this. It was to remove all evidence from the corpse so my friend could get away from the murder. I'd planned this all out properly, and I got away with only a $1,000 ticket, which was what I planned since I would give a stupid reason that would make them think it was an accident.
This was all planned out to stop my friend from being taken to jail for 5.1, and I got away with it. I was within the rules to do what I did, and, as I said, only got a small ticket for this. Action has already been taken for this incident, and it's been sorted out completely. This AR is probably going to be denied because of those facts.
I tried to do this without the police seeing as I believed one of my friends had committed the murder, then the evidence would be wiped from the body completely.
I've already told you this. It was to remove all evidence from the corpse so my friend could get away from the murder. I'd planned this all out properly, and I got away with only a $1,000 ticket, which was what I planned since I would give a stupid reason that would make them think it was an accident.
This was all planned out to stop my friend from being taken to jail for 5.1, and I got away with it. I was within the rules to do what I did, and, as I said, only got a small ticket for this. Action has already been taken for this incident, and it's been sorted out completely. This AR is probably going to be denied because of those facts.

Looks like I have to sort some stuff out.



You say that you know the murderer and that you wanted to save her, emphasis on 'her' but the murderer was, as stated in previous comments, a male by the name of James Montgomery who never communicated with you and was arrested several minutes before you arrived on the scene. After this, multiple individuals came on scene including you; we sorted that out and went back to work when, while you were there, Abdia started swinging a bat around, hitting a car and a barricade, we then arrested her for vandalism right there and then because of those actions. You then dragged the body into the water in front of us. You recieved a minor penalty because of my incompetence, but if it were another officer or if I felt safe bringing you to the PD, it would easily be a sentence of multiple years. This proves the killer was male:


The events start at 21,957. If you watch the demo, you will see that Abdia arrives on scene unbothered by police and is arrested for vandalism after she commits the offence while Dilan watches her and then sees her arrested after the murder has taken place; he then throws the body into the water to supposedly destroy evidence, even though she has been on scene and in view of officers the whole time, free of suspicion.

What you said is completely contrary to this evidence, and I have one thing to ask: why would you be so untruthful over something like this? It is obvious that, because Abdia was only arrested once we saw her vandalising a car; we obviously didn't suspect her of the murder, yet your account states that you arrived and saw Abdia arrested without knowing anything about the situation.

Sorry for the large amount of edits, but I just want to say that 3.4 is judged off of risk, not result. If you were to kill 4 officers at gunpoint, but they were all shit shots and you killed them with a baseball bat, you would still be punished as the risk was too great to safely take on that action without extensively risking your life.
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It doesn't matter anyway, check the ban list.
Samurai Dilan was exiled by emperor Shuan upon request.
Its a 1 month ban, I'm addicted to the server and need a break from PERP, since it's causing problems IRL with my parents and is also making my attitude horrible IRL and IC.
This game is causing lots of problems for me.
I would suggest to anyone reading this thread to read the comments on the latest post on this thread by [THPM] Hail Hydra Jake, as that is where I address and debunk his defenses.
@Dr. Terminator is this not something you would do? Candy-cane a man you dont like to death in public? Sounds a lot like something you would do, in my opinion.
Especially after drunk driving.
Or the halal goat slaughtering you always do in my dumpster home.
Please, stop getting the blood on my trash carpets :(
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