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  1. DeltaForce

    Mr DwarfBitch I'm ready to following your orders sir!

    Mr DwarfBitch I'm ready to following your orders sir!
  2. DeltaForce

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  3. DeltaForce

    Custom car skins - Ideas welcome

    @Creepis do you think you can make a PLFD skin? For the firetruck
  4. DeltaForce

    AR on Brinch for 2.5

    After you failed to use the template I will therefore not only be given a warning to him for his action but you will receive for not using a template aswell. If you feel like the warning I gave you was false feel free to make a staff complaint have a nice day. This is meant as a joke for anyone...
  5. DeltaForce

    What airsoft gun should I choooooooose

    I mean why not get the Novritsch SSG-24 instead since its a custom made airsoft gun which is not made of shitty recyled plastic he has made a video explaining about tje gun itself I think its a worth trying to look at
  6. DeltaForce

    It has to come out can't keep it

    [Don't care about ratings] Firstly you're wrong I was 10 years old at the time I cheated on my girlfriend since I'm currently in 7th Grade, And if you use math Secound of all you're talking in a very rude way I don 't like your attitude, and you're remind me of a not so very nice person. Of...
  7. DeltaForce

    It has to come out can't keep it

    I just want to clean things off the record No this has nothing to do with my current state within the PLPD or my patrol count days nothing like that This was something I meanted to post along time ago but I din't feel ready for posting this at the time
  8. DeltaForce

    It has to come out can't keep it

    Hello everyone I would like to give an inside what's currently going on with my life. Just note I do not CARE about my grammar issues in-matter of fact I would request a staff member to edit any if they're found please So it all started around 5 or 6 years ago when I was in secound grade, and I...
  9. DeltaForce

    My Tutorial on How to Hack Any Garry's Mod Server.

    Why not just use @Esteboon the Squatalot's website xd For easy DarkRP money or other kinds of values for in-matter of secounds
  10. DeltaForce

    My Tutorial on How to Hack Any Garry's Mod Server.

    Mistakes were made :( I retract this reply
  11. DeltaForce

    Police Whitelist

    I well look like I have some work todo later great! I really like the idea of a whitelist it makes things easier when it comes to thinking of the whole "no sweater cops going rogue" Still going to miss sweater cops tho :(
  12. DeltaForce

    The price of making an App

    Hey everyone I'm currently doing a school project with 3 others from my class And out project is to create social media app for the jurisdiction aka area we are currently in. I Have been tasked to found out what the price of making an app is. The problem is I don' know that much about making an...
  13. DeltaForce

    Richard Osborn 2.5

    Now I was involved in this sit later. As he also killed a cop for no reason after the cops had clearly gun point on him I can't tell if I was close enough to call it gun point when ho killed the officer POV:
  14. DeltaForce

    Favorite handgun.

    The Glock is/was designed in 1979–1982, The Glock 17 uses the 9x19mm bullet which is also used by the M9 Beretta 9(2fs) if i'm not wrong,The glock 17 is the most widely used law enforcement pistol in the United States. Because of its unsurpassed reliability, above-average magazine capacity of 17...
  15. DeltaForce

    Moving on

    The Initial D will not be missed It was good to know you
  16. DeltaForce

    Bank NPC Loan

    To be honest I think the most person(s) will be repaying in "lead" more then being arrested by the cops because that how perp is
  17. DeltaForce

    the payday crew vs the bank

    It is a good video but I hate to sound negative or optimistic for that sake, but how would you know there is only 2 swat. I should'nt really comment on this but I just notices wierd things this is not meant as negative thing but rather a thing my brain allmost tells me to comment on great video...
  18. DeltaForce

    Badly sick going to be inactive for while

    As the title says I'm going to be inactive for a while on perp due to how (fucking) sick I'm as I do not have energy, and can't sleep I also can't breath 100% Normal. My problem is if I go to play on the server I wouldn't be able too concentrate 100%. Kind Regards DeltaForce -//phone
  19. DeltaForce

    Is Paralake_FM dying?

    Now regarding your statement as far as I know he replied on the 3-1-2017 with something like this I asume @Roj is home by now KeiwaM Also thanks to @Skudist for PM'ing me with what is kinda going on
  20. DeltaForce

    Is Paralake_FM dying?

    As I have reasent noticed that the IG PL_FM radio isen't working anymore I began to question myself: Did @Roj leave perp and quit PLFM? I then checked Sam broadcaster live were i still had access but I couldn't stream/go on air as if the link was removed from the server. My look into PLFM...
  21. DeltaForce

    is PL_FM dead?

    is PL_FM dead?
  22. DeltaForce

    The M9 Beretta Sound Mod

    Leave your thoughts on the video also thanks to @Cole for helping me out
  23. DeltaForce

    A sneak peak on what I'm currently working on

    You can either watch the entire video or only watch to 01:50
  24. DeltaForce

    The Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor AKA P71/CVPI

    The Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor (Note I took some of my spare time during last weekend on making this hope everyone likes it this can be moved if its not a fitting place for the thread. I'm also not looking towards any hate against this thread because there is simply no reason to...
  25. DeltaForce

    Join our rebellion against 3.7 (Rogues idea)

    We will not go down without a fight! @Rogue Car Tyres
  26. DeltaForce

    Inactivity... sadly.

    I feel sorry for you SleepyMode I know what the feeling is when a member of the family passes away. I hope you will be okay for now, and I wish you the best of luck to the rest of your family! <3 :)
  27. DeltaForce

    Hospital Inactivity | Be regular active soon.

    (Inserts sad rating :( ) Sad to hear hope everything goes well, and also we are talking about a 18 wheeler which is a truck going atleast 60 mph right? Holy shit she was lucky as hell
  28. DeltaForce
  29. DeltaForce


  30. DeltaForce

    Insurgency Gameplay (With Madda) #1 - F*cking pistols

    I know I know its an awkward intro @Madda