Hospital Inactivity | Be regular active soon.

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Georgia, United States
Many of you do not know, but I have been at the hospital for a while now. My mother was involved in an accident on the freeway with an 18 wheeler while travelling, and is facing critical conditions, the accident included 4 vehicles in which she was fatal. My mother has lost her mind physically and mentally, and doesn't rarely remember me. I am going to be in-active most of the time, and I am sorry about this.

Thank You for your understanding. I hope everything works out well while I'm not active.
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Holy shit man, so that explains your activity.

And I thought I had heard pretty much everything this community has to tell, then things just get crazier.
Hopefully your mother makes a recovery somehow.

To be honest this is something I would hate to face, but it's a harsh world we live in and a brick wall could collide with you at any given time (literally) but, good luck and hopefully your mother starts remembering again, because memory loss is terrible.
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Damn that really sucks, nothing to worry about bud; she'll be just fine. No need to check back in with us, this community is certainly at the bottom of your concerns and priorities rn. I am sorry for what has happened to your mother, enjoy some time off.
(Inserts sad rating :( )

Sad to hear hope everything goes well, and also we are talking about a 18 wheeler which is a truck going atleast 60 mph right? Holy shit she was lucky as hell
She hit the wheeler from behind and lost control of her car. She was on an interstate and after she hit it, it forced her to the other side of the highway which she struck another vehicle and she went almost threw the windshield.

Anyways, I need to go. Thanks for the support.
Damn thats really sad to hear @Captain i feel sorry for you.
I really hope your mother recovers from her injuries and i hope to hear from you soon.
Good luck