Search results

  1. Zharkan16

    Warning Dispute (Collier)

    Punishment Type: Warning Appeal Type: Dispute Which staff member issued the punishment?: Collier How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable Your Steam Name: Zharkan16 Your Roleplay Name: Amy Zharkan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:71890489 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.25 -...
  2. Zharkan16

    My goodbye... for now I suppose

    Hey guys as you guys know I went inactive cause of my exams but then I don't know to be honest life just meh right now and like I have college again starting on the 27th and to be honest PH is probably the best-built gmod server but I also didn't feel like I fit in so really I was losing...
  3. Zharkan16

    Thanks! :D

    Thanks! :D
  4. Zharkan16

    Thank you!!

    Thank you!!
  5. Zharkan16

    Buying Holiday Items (Dolls, Candy Canes etc)

    I buy too ;-;
  6. Zharkan16

    Honorary rank

    ;-; (50/50 on this cause I do agree with the idea that honoraries are trusted and all but also do agree with the people that say that although they are trusted it's more of a gift and doesn't need to have access to player stuff)
  7. Zharkan16

    Tank Yu :D

    Tank Yu :D
  8. Zharkan16

    LOL that is true :laughcry:

    LOL that is true :laughcry:
  9. Zharkan16

    Thanks bobo! :D

    Thanks bobo! :D
  10. Zharkan16

    :'( My poor babies

    :'( My poor babies
  11. Zharkan16

    Thx Potato

    Thx Potato
  12. Zharkan16


  13. Zharkan16

    Regarding 1.2 (Discrimination)

    I think to answer Clarky's question a song is a song... unless you intentionally play something offensive My opinion on this is like some people stated racism and other terms are sometimes said just because they can but it does not make it right and I feel like regardless of race, gender, or...
  14. Zharkan16

    Player to Player Vehicle Sales [Pink Slips]

    I am not a big fan of the downgrade idea because basically if you want to sell a car why can't you just sell it to a player directly as Kenty said it would keep would be run by players so it would be fair just like selling it for 50% would, maybe that can even introduce limited edition cars that...
  15. Zharkan16

    Player to Player Vehicle Sales [Pink Slips]

    I feel like that is a great feature but then again cars are so expensive I doubt most people would wanna sell them to other people for cheaper cause of how expensive they are but if a player is looking to sell their car, could sell it for more than that 50% to a player I suppose while the player...
  16. Zharkan16

    Refund Request for my car's T1

    I didn't lose connection though my whole laptop shutting down should instantly close the game I don't see how it would still leave me in there till I time out =/ its not like I was lagging or anything I really do hope I can get refunded because I wasn't even ingame my laptop fully shut down
  17. Zharkan16

    Refund Request for my car's T1

    Your in-game name: Amy Zharkan Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:71890489 What do you need refunded: 26.5k Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was driving to city garage then suddenly my laptop SHUT DOWN so I was like its fine I will just reopen it and rejoin the server, so I did and I was seeing...
  18. Zharkan16

    T2 Refund Request / Bug

    @nutrient10 13k in the demo
  19. Zharkan16

    T2 Refund Request / Bug

  20. Zharkan16

    T2 Refund Request / Bug

    the mega link is the demo of the part, what happened was that I was looking back and looked front and I smashed into his car, it instantly t2'd while it was not even t1'd and he was a new guy so he couldn't afford to pay for it so I paid it off for him and all but it just instant t2 which I...
  21. Zharkan16

    Some People i wanna see go Well

    I took a break but thank you for this :) I hope you enjoy your RP on the server maybe see you again when I'm back
  22. Zharkan16


  23. Zharkan16

    Pyrex Dish

    Type of bug: lua Description of the bug: Dish disappears if you have it placed and you crash How to reproduce the bug: crash while having your dish placed
  24. Zharkan16

    Remove Mic Requirement

    @Creepis I will dm u
  25. Zharkan16

    Remove Mic Requirement

    @Josef Stalin I do not speak in real life
  26. Zharkan16

    Remove Mic Requirement

    @ProGuyxD I was given an exception for other things in the PD but then when it came to me wanting to apply for helper that's when it started getting turned down, I applied for RTU also got denied cause of it, so honestly, I know the rank is not NEEDED to help, what bothers me is the fact that I...
  27. Zharkan16

    Remove Mic Requirement

    @ProGuyxD I have been staff in many servers in the past, you actually don't need to be able to speak to be a staff member... But anyways I don't even want to be an enforcer, I am going for helper because I like to help and I DO help
  28. Zharkan16

    Remove Mic Requirement

    I am a mute irl so I don't actually speak tho I do have a TTS tho I haven't used it in the past 2 days as I didn't feel like it much but I did use it today, and tbh I helped more people probably than some helpers and they never minded the mic issue Teaching someone about the game and how to...
  29. Zharkan16

    Remove Mic Requirement

    @CaughtRed I was denied for RTU after passing my stage 2 because of it so I assume I can't make it to Senior Officer either