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  1. Zharkan16

    Remove Mic Requirement

    I would like to ask the staff to stop deleting my messages to make it look like a one-sided argument as that is bullshit let it go naturally and see what the community thinks Now I will rewrite what i said IS IT BETTER TO USE A MIC? Yes probably is but is it NEEDED TO USE A MIC? NOPE and as...
  2. Zharkan16

    Remove Mic Requirement

    So you conyo said im a good cop, and the staff let me be a dispatcher as well... BUT to help people which I literally do I need a mic? Trust me the people I have helped all can vouch that a mic is not needed to help I can prove that as I already showed staff proof even FREDY was fine with me...
  3. Zharkan16

    Remove Mic Requirement

    Description of the idea: Removing mic requirement to apply for the helper rank as it's literally useless as a mic is not even needed to help people and I am a great example of that so why not remove it that way anyone can apply Why should this be added? (pros): Allows people to apply for helper...
  4. Zharkan16

    Other language I meant I am always real and they are fake... You didn't catch that... Point is I...

    Other language I meant I am always real and they are fake... You didn't catch that... Point is I am friendly to all, but when we are "friends" and you try to rob me, that's called being fake... I'm friendly by nature which makes me an easy target
  5. Zharkan16

    Official 2020 Perpheads best cat awards!

    they cute :3 Remind me of my cat sleepy
  6. Zharkan16

    Official 2020 Perpheads best cat awards!

    @CensoredExe yeah my cat pissed the whole floor when that happened... Doctor said to make sure he doesnt get on any tables or anything cause they can fall off
  7. Zharkan16

    Official 2020 Perpheads best cat awards!

    aww :c they usually are very dizzy after it and even can pee the floor make sure he isnt near anything he can jump on so he doesnt fall off
  8. Zharkan16

    Official 2020 Perpheads best cat awards!

    Awwww :( she reminds me of my cat sleepy she was so cute like her but she died :( was also fluffy and cute but she liked to sleep on my laps and also slept on her back... she would snore too :c
  9. Zharkan16

    Official 2020 Perpheads best cat awards!

    Cats Name: Bobus Cats Age: 4 years In your opinion, is the cat a "Dick head": Yes 1 interesting thing, fact or quirk about your cat: Likes to sleep in boxes Picture of the cat: see he a bully
  10. Zharkan16

    Swapping License Plates

    Not if you don't have a spare plate, to get a spare plate you must either sell a car or buy one for 350k
  11. Zharkan16

    Swapping License Plates

    OR maybe the ability to buy a random plate option at city hall for like $500-5000 and it like randomizes a plate then asks you if you want to buy it or not
  12. Zharkan16

    Swapping License Plates

    Description of the idea: Being able to swap a plate from one owned car to another Why should this be added? (pros): I believe this should be added because not everyone has a spare plate if their plate is already on a car they are stuck with it and the only solution is to either sell a car to...
  13. Zharkan16

    License Plates

    So you cannot swap the plates off 2 cars? Because I was told this is possible but it might be bugged... If not then I guess it should be a suggestion not a bug
  14. Zharkan16

    License Plates

    Type of bug: LUA Description of the bug: Can't change plates from one car to another How to reproduce the bug: Try to change plates of 2 car without having extra plates Time stamp(s): N/A *Media:
  15. Zharkan16

    T2 Refund Request / Bug

    Your in-game name: Amy Zharkan Steam ID: STEAM:_0:1:71890489 What do you need refunded: 21k or 13k Why do you want your item(s) refunded: The guy's car was not even T1'd and I had rammed him as I looked back which was my fault I admit but his car somehow T2'd instantly rather than T1 first...
  16. Zharkan16


    it is linked
  17. Zharkan16


    I mean I still don't see why you're okay with uploading a demo but he isn't that's what made it sketchy so I would still rather see his
  18. Zharkan16


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Zharkan16/ Amy Zharkan His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Johnny-Quid$$$/Johnny Quid His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:40367142 Why Should This Player Be Punished: I am not sure if they metagamed or if Johnny actually called his friend, as I killed Johnny's friend Astakos who drove...
  19. Zharkan16

    T1 Possible Refund

    Your in-game name: Amy Zharkan Steam ID: STEAM:_0:1:71890489 What do you need refunded: 26k Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Firefighter saw me coming, turned left, then turned right back into me not sure why, also not sure if this is refundable but thought why not try since I mean I...
  20. Zharkan16

    Many Suggestions

    @Kempotent I am just saying my answers while using logic and realism... IF you put your hands up and the robber leaves your weapon in front of you and turns around or goes to wherever in the property would you still leave your hands up while there's a gun in front of you? you still wait 3-5...
  21. Zharkan16

    Many Suggestions

    I don't even get what you mean by your chest reply Realistically if someone looks away and leaves a gun in front of you I don't see WHY you wouldn't be able to pick it up but also it slows down RP like oh wait let me sit 4-6 seconds waiting for the hands to go down to close the door. Is it a...
  22. Zharkan16

    Many Suggestions

    thought about it now, im in a dead org thats why it didnt come to me but i was thinking of joining a diff org so i thought about it and when i looked around the ts i thought of that but anyways i came on to delete it and saw ur reply... be kinder
  23. Zharkan16

    Many Suggestions

    Description of the idea: SO I have a list of suggestions! 1- Trunk, I think trunks should be able to take what it can rather than focus on weight, for example, you have 500 meth trunk carries 400, it won't let you put any in cause weight. 2- Wrenches and seed trunk limit, doesn't seem realistic...
  24. Zharkan16

    Refund for some clientside issues

    This is really a good idea because it's not fair like yesterday my game froze as I was going to suburbs ramp BOOM t1 and dead when it comes back, how is this fair for me to pay 26k just because my game froze? My ping and my fps weren't affected before or after that just game froze and boom. In...
  25. Zharkan16


    Type of bug: lua Description of the bug: So basically, first off wrenches, seeds, drugs, and maybe some other stuff don't stack in trunks, 2nd off if you have 500 drugs but your trunk can only handle 400 it won't let you store 400 unless you have 400 only on you otherwise it won't let you put...
  26. Zharkan16

    Remove Helper

    I THINK that helper should not be a way to "prove yourself" for enforcer, that kills the purpose of the rank, many applied to get to enforcer but their main intention isn't to help people it's to get to enforcer... I think as a rank the helper rank was a good idea, the people who got it, no...
  27. Zharkan16

    Remove Helper

    That's what I am saying, very few helpers actually focus on helping new people part, many helpers are nice and kind but I don't think the rank idea of the rank is the reality, some do it to get to enforcer and some do it for the perks it has, u don't need the rank to help players but the people...
  28. Zharkan16

    Remove Helper

  29. Zharkan16

    Remove Helper

    Honestly speaking, I applied because a new guy told me I should and I honestly like helping new people, I didn't make it for not using a mic so I was told, even tho I'm a mute, but I honestly feel like some people only applied in the first place to make it to enforcer which in my opinion isn't...
  30. Zharkan16

    Test Drive Refund

    Your in-game name: Amy Zharkan Steam ID: STEAM:_0:1:71890489 What do you need refunded: $71,000 (Carrera GT test drive $ not sure how much it is) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was testing the car drove it around a bit took it docks area down the ramp stopped pressing gas half way...