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  1. Lychee Soda

    Like that profile pic tho :P

    Like that profile pic tho :P
  2. Lychee Soda

    Old meme, I had too

    I'm pretty sure you have windows movie maker, just use that to shorten it out...
  3. Lychee Soda

    AR - Public Mug Baiting

  4. Lychee Soda

    For Fucks Sake Help Instead of Rating it Dumb

    You should probably point out what it is that you see that's fucked up. So if your scrolling through this comment, and you don't see what's wrong with the photos he posted, it's the police light bars.
  5. Lychee Soda


    Sorry about your mother, man... Hope your family gets better.
  6. Lychee Soda

    Mine and some other people sounds are fucked

    I'm having the same problem, and I've restarted my whole computer and everything and I can't figure it out.
  7. Lychee Soda

    What do u do on your spare time outside

    Work, walk around town, ride bike, smoke, drink, hang out with friends.
  8. Lychee Soda

    The Ducatti - Applications

    Name: Yasumichi Katayama Money in Bank: 1,195,946$ (recently lost around 105k due to my unluckiness in bad raids, police, etc.) Car(s) Owned: Audi S5 (saving for a super car) Driving Skills(1:10): 8 Previous Organisations: A lot I can't remember, but a few I do know: Freindlies, Chinese Mafia...
  9. Lychee Soda

    Friendlies Application

    OOC Name: -=| Nazuki チェン |=- IC Name: Yasumichi Katayama Age: 18 Cars: Audi S5 (currently saving up for a P1, or just something better) Money: 1,500,000$ VIP (Yes or No): Yes Why do you want to join the org: I want to join the org, mostly because I want a faster and more efficient way of making...
  10. Lychee Soda


    Unless your leaving the server to goto like Melon Stick or something (if thats even a thing anymore i havent heard from that server in like forever). But then your not really getting a life at all, your basically just canceling it. idk why tf i cant reply like what you just did down there \/...
  11. Lychee Soda

    Favorite Drink

    Lychee soda
  12. Lychee Soda

    Post Your Own Car Thread

    -snip- cause i posted in the wrong thread. oops
  13. Lychee Soda

    Powergrowing Technique: "The Hicktown Web"

    Everyone is just like "just break in here when nobody owns it", now gonna get raiders to start checking the buildings and stuff lol
  14. Lychee Soda

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]

    and some of this stuff nobody else would like
  15. Lychee Soda

    AR 2.5

    My friend, who doesn't have an account yet, asked me to reply to this. Me and him were basing inside this cabin at the time, and just to clarify, we ordered him to shoot trespassers, as he was stationed outside our base. Not to mention, when you guys showed up for the first raid, they heard...
  16. Lychee Soda

    Favourite Noodles

  17. Lychee Soda

    AR - Dick Mason the rouge RC

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Lychethotto / Yasumichi Katayama His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dick Mason / (dont know his steam name) His/Her SteamID: N/A Why Should This Player Be Punished: He went around disabling peoples vehicles, and refused to pay for the damage did to my car, also broke 3.4 as I...
  18. Lychee Soda

    AR - Need logs

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Lychethotto / Yasumichi Katayama His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown (need logs) - happened sometime before the most recent server restart (2/26/2017) - His/Her SteamID: N/A Why Should This Player Be Punished: Ran me over with a firetruck for no reason at all, while I...
  19. Lychee Soda

    AR - Jimmy Vongolo and John Erikkson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Lychethotto / Yasumichi Katayama His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sassy - John Erikkson / S1N - Jimmy Vongolo His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:58851086 (Sassy) / STEAM_0:1:55456605 (S1N) Why Should This Player Be Punished: This is mostly on Jimmy Vongolo, but Erikkson has been...
  20. Lychee Soda

    Action Request - 3 Sweaters

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Lychethotto / Yasumichi Katayama His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jonathan Blueberry, Hunter Maddox, someone else i forgot their name. Steam names: estonia123 , Hunter , Roborooskie His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51558858 (estonia123) , STEAM_0:0:66616720 (Hunter)...
  21. Lychee Soda

    Animated Communist Propaganda

    Apparently, this is real animated Soviet propaganda, made during the Cold War by Russian nationalists to give westerners, somewhat including the Japanese but mostly Americans, a dirty impression from the Russian people. I have nothing personal, nor did I post this video to offend or send any...
  22. Lychee Soda

    Action Request

    Okay first, that "RDM" at the gas station happened after you molotoved mine and my friends car, and like again, I have evidence it was you, not even including the fact that you guys were the only ones on the server I had any bad interactions with. Second, if you DID have sound, you'd know from...
  23. Lychee Soda

    Action Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: ♛ 八丁目 ♛ / Yasumichi Katayama His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jazz™ , Noot His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:34589583 (Jazz™) , STEAM_0:1:40981030 (Noot) Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.1, 3.4, 2.5, etc. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:
  24. Lychee Soda

    I need logs

    Your Steam/In-game Name: ♛ 八丁目 ♛ / Yasumichi Katayama His/Her Steam/In-game Name: HCTIM/Mitchell Haskell His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97066533 Why Should This Player Be Punished: This random player walked up to me, and stabbed me for absolutely no reason at all. I couldn't get the name of the...
  25. Lychee Soda

    Moving on

  26. Lychee Soda


    just banter.
  27. Lychee Soda


    What else are people gonna do when there's no roleplay to participate in, when server is constantly crashing, etc. I don't really see the problem here. The server is in dev mode. You can't do much from what I've seen. Just have fun while it lasts :) Also, no. There's really no way you can do...
  28. Lychee Soda

    Perp voice is broken, here is what melonstick is like 1 min after spawning

    Semi-serious serious roleplay server with serious features and semi-serious staff and not serious playerbase. idk I understand the PH player base isn't the best, but I still don't understand why people leave PERPheads to this server, and take it seriously (or if they even do that)
  29. Lychee Soda

    Paralake News Department

    Sorry but I just cringed too hard... -Edit- I'm still wondering how I'm apparently the only one who cringed watching the video -Edit- I'm not trying to hate, I'm just sharing my honest opinion. If that's too much for you to handle, then don't post things on the internet.