Perp voice is broken, here is what melonstick is like 1 min after spawning

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So perp is broken right now so i decided to hop onto melonstick. This all happened while just walking from city hall towards garage. Just to save the time it takes to download all the mods in case you wanted to know what it looks like ;)

I sincerely hope that the voice shit gets fixed soon, what do I do else then playing perp?

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Damn, its got much worst since i last played it.
On melonstick they allow everyone to shoot people in the middle of the street, its fucked up.
Anyone can shoot officers over traffic tickets and everything, they have absolutely no rules agenst it.
You would be suprised about how many shootings happen in that community, its fucked up.
Melonstick in my opinion is a glorified DarkRP that attempts to act serious in a mediocre way, not surprised people get run over in front of hospitals on purpose when I saw this.

notice how i said "my opinion"
So what you're telling me is that there's a server out there where I can kill anyone I please without consequences?
Idk what ya'll are talking about, but that sounds wonderful. Truly the epitome of realistic roleplay

I tried playing on Melonstick, here is my heartbreaking story:

I spawned, and get taken through the server by the @Mango or @MangoJuice (stop having the same names ffs).

Chapter 1: Beginning

I decided I want to be a real wiseguy mafia bloke so I go around searching for a crew. I make my way to the clothes shop and get myself a fancy suit, picking up a gun from the local shop. I then proceed to get gunned down over starting some talkin' beef with these lads. When I get revived we become friends and I become the godfather of our new group. @Sam and Tom Henderson along with some of my other friends decide to go on a dank raiding spree to make a name for ourselves as the most aids organisation in the server.

Chapter 2: It works

People begin to cry in OOC about how a group of geezers are RDMing everyone in their homes and breaking other assorted rules. We decide that this is fun so we continue to "ruin their experience" and make around 20K doing so. After we get bored we decide to buy "Costello's Corner" (just the coffee shop in the city but renamed) and sell coffee to people.

Chapter 3: Coffee and weed

After buying about 10K worth of products to even start making coffee we begin ACTUALLY GETTING CUSTOMERS. Yes, people actually begin socialising instead of shooting at each other constantly. Anyways, after about an hour of being nice and serving coffee/weed/other stuff to people, some geezer in a Shrek mask decides to walk in and point a SKS at me and demand me to "HAND OVER THE COFFEE!" Of course, my 5 armed minions outside the store gun him down almost instantly, causing him to once again start screaming in OOC about how I broke fearrp by shooting him.

Chapter 4: Admin discretion

After the server once again becomes an RDM fest @ijokerxo decides to teleport EVERYONE to spawn and tell them to stop killing people in the streets. About 5 seconds afterwords I find a guy shooting someone with a pistol infront of the Police Department.

Overall a 6/10
-there are a few rpers in there
-the rest are cancerous
Semi-serious serious roleplay server with serious features and semi-serious staff and not serious playerbase. idk

I understand the PH player base isn't the best, but I still don't understand why people leave PERPheads to this server, and take it seriously (or if they even do that)