Search results

  1. Sgt Lixerd


  2. Sgt Lixerd


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Lixerd / Jessica Pink His/Her Steam/In-game Name: LP5K / Richard James His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:170514755 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Unesccery use of lethal force Evidence (Demo Required)
  3. Sgt Lixerd


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Lixerd / Jessica Pink His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Tadgee / His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:57582090 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Growing drugs in public, pulling bat under direct gunpoint. Evidence (Demo Required)
  4. Sgt Lixerd

    PERPHeads "Don Dada's Weekend" 2

    I still dont understand how you didnt die during the raid at 1:31
  5. Sgt Lixerd

    PERPHeads "Don Dada's Weekend"

    Video unavalible due to copyright smh
  6. Sgt Lixerd


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Lixerd / Jessica Pink His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ser Richard / Jackson Smith & Nate / Nathan Mcgee His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:46833654 / STEAM_0:1:114176403 Why Should This Player Be Punished: (3.8 and 3.10) Unrealistic and unfair base building, An insane ammount of...
  7. Sgt Lixerd


    I saw the post about his shit being found on a bridge and I hoped it was a joke or somthing, it honestly really sucks, used to watch his streams alot
  8. Sgt Lixerd

    Vegetable crisps / chips

    They're alright I guess, but if I tried being more healthy I think I'd rather just eat a carrot or a apple
  9. Sgt Lixerd

    AR (Edit: Me and A1L have resolved the issue over steam)

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Lixerd / Jessica Pink His/Her Steam/In-game Name: A1L / Nicolas Maas His/Her SteamID: Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 Popped my car tires for somthing that wasnt my fault, user was speeding outside of bazaar and ended up in a car crash resulting in his death...
  10. Sgt Lixerd

    Stealing planter boxes

    Should it be allowed to steal planter boxes? Honestly they get stolen quite frequently and theres really nothing you can do after they have been stolen, cant make new drugs nor go on duty, the only thing you can do if you wanna make money is relog and wait for thme to despawn
  11. Sgt Lixerd

    144hz vs 60hz

    Theres a huge diffrence between 60hz and 144hz, everything is smoother and feels better to play. It can really help improve your aim in csgo, havent gotten to try on perp due to potato pc not reaching 144fps there...
  12. Sgt Lixerd


  13. Sgt Lixerd


    Your in-game name: Jessica pink Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:144606500 What do you need refunded: 2 THICK BARICADES, 4 THIN BARICADES, 2PLANTERS, 2RADIATORS, 2 LIGHTPOLES, 1 BOOKSELF, 4 SHORT FFENCES, 1 STOVE, 1CHEMICAL TABLE, 2 COOKERS, 2PORPAN TANKS, 1 RADIO 2 WATER TANKS Why do you want your...
  14. Sgt Lixerd

    AR on pooh bear ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

  15. Sgt Lixerd

    AR GamingPeach

    I really dont think you should gun down someone without asking any questions first
  16. Sgt Lixerd

    500K+VIP Giveaway - Ended

    STEAM_0:0:144606500 give me moeny to feed my gambling addiction
  17. Sgt Lixerd

    Today was was the day i almost fucking died XDDDD

    what has this thread turned into
  18. Sgt Lixerd


    Your in-game name: Mike Dovahkiin Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:144606500 What do you need refunded: Fedora, Gem Ring and Aviator glasses. Or 145K Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I just came on perp after a little break from gaming in general. When I got back on I was missing my fedora (10k) My...
  19. Sgt Lixerd

    Missing hats, glasses ect

    Your in-game name: Mike Dovahkiin Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:144606500 What do you need refunded: Fedora, Gem Ring and Aviator glasses. Or 145K Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I just came on perp after a little break from gaming in general. When I got back on I was missing my fedora (10k) My...
  20. Sgt Lixerd


    I've fixed my problem , somehow, I did everything and nothing worked. Then I waited a day or two and it worked
  21. Sgt Lixerd

    Any decent cheap steering wheels?

    This one is great
  22. Sgt Lixerd


    I did that, I uninstalled every singel addon, reinstalled them from the forum, I reinstalled the game but yet no sucsses
  23. Sgt Lixerd


    For some reason I cannot join Perp, whenever I join I just instantly crash, however I can play on other servers. Please help me
  24. Sgt Lixerd

    Your Roblox Name.

    Askivan Add me plz
  25. Sgt Lixerd

    May I loan your stoarge

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: A rule against loaning stoarge Your version of the rule: Giving stoarge permisson to strangers Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: The way I see it as a regular shop owner in the bazaar I gets lots of buyers who asks for stoarge permisson so...
  26. Sgt Lixerd

    AR on Jessica-trapani Fielding

    TBH, I taught the raid was over as no one said anything, no one shot, and there was no sign of anyone. Besides from what I know I was fully avalible to just walk out the back door, wich, I did in the end whitout getting killed or arrested, I simply walked out and ran away I fully admit that I...
  27. Sgt Lixerd

    [AR] Lixerd - Suspicion of random carbomb

    I am just gonna write real quick all I know about this situation.I was afk and just came back, then I was in my shop trying to sell my AK's as I saw a medic dragging somone from my org, Johannes Trapani-siamoen. I followed the medics who was dragging him as the seconde medic scanned him, an...
  28. Sgt Lixerd

    Refund request

    Your in-game name: Jessica Fielding Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:144606500 What do you need refunded: TV, 4 big pots, large wooden wall, clock, 10 coke seeds, 10 weed seeds Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I went afk for about 10 min to go grab somthing to drink, when I came back somone had...
  29. Sgt Lixerd

    -=IronSide Crafting Co.=-

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Jessie Snowflake Skills: I'm a active player and I enjoy making shops and selling weps, and that is an important thing in the org to have alot of wep and ammo Why Should we consider you?: Well, I've meet alot of the IronSide clan before that are asking to by stuff like...