May I loan your stoarge

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: A rule against loaning stoarge

Your version of the rule: Giving stoarge permisson to strangers

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: The way I see it as a regular shop owner in the bazaar I gets lots of buyers who asks for stoarge permisson so they can buy multiple items whitout filling their trunk or having to drive to a stoarge. I feel like its very unrealistic to just put your gun in some random shops stoarge and then have it in your apartment later. I am not against having people use your stoarge but I feel like giving it to random strangers is too much. If the guy loaning your stoarge is a freind or and org member that you trust it would make sense. But when its a random guy it dont. It cant be only me who thinks this is kind of breaking the logic, and to be honest I feel like its kind of abusing the stoarge in a way. Also another good thing if this rule would be used IG it would make the big car trunks (Aka vans such as GMC and Transit) more usfull to have for transporting shipments of guns if you would buy multiple.

Sorry for any possible misspellings or/and bad grammar
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Birmingham, United Kingdom
You're making things to excessive for a Gmod server, you realise you're not allowed guns in public and not allot of people have cars and use the monorail and this is how they transport guns without open carrying.
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''The idea of this game, and the purpose and intention of these rules, is to recreate real life to an enjoyable extent'' - The Rules

Before even exploring the effects and how necessary this rule is I want you to first consider how unrealistically hard it would be to enforce this rule as a staff member. If you see people complaining about Nazi Mods now I'd love to see the community opinion if this rule were implemented. This is too excessive and is overall un-needed, there are some fundamental unrealistic game mechanics in the server that are needed to give the gamemode a level of sustainability and to actually make it an enjoyable medium, this includes the 'soul bound' storage. Same thing is said for retrieving your car from the cardealer, keeping ALL of your items when you die, being able to reclaim your government vehicle anytime. All these things (as unrealistic as they might be) are needed to give an enjoyable, delay free roleplay experience.
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