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  1. Thomas

    sky is not appearing propperly

    Disable Discord Overlay and youll be G
  2. Thomas

    Thnaks cunt xD

    Thnaks cunt xD
  3. Thomas

    AR on Tyrone Mate & ?

    Just going to say this go to and make an internal affairs complaint on the officer(s) if you believe the officer did something wrong, however, due to the medic being a government official officers have to take their word...
  4. Thomas

    Thanks mate

    Thanks mate
  5. Thomas

    Thanks mate

    Thanks mate
  6. Thomas


    FOR FUCK SAKE ......... Im going to kill you for this xDD
  7. Thomas

    AR on Collier

    1. Was not under clear Gunpoint when I pressed my panic button, therefore i was not breaking 3.4. 2. Not really, considering I was pulling ye over because ye were right beside a dead person and wanted to know why ye were there, what happened/
  8. Thomas

    AR on Collier

    Im not stupid, i clearly have evidence
  9. Thomas

    AR on Collier

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Thomas/Thomas Jones His/Her Steam/In-game Name: How do I Quickscope/Smith Carry His/Her SteamID: Unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished: Was responding to a 911 call of a dead person at taxi, when I responded there was a black ford raptor, I saw people near the dead...
  10. Thomas

    AR on Charlie Mood

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Thomas/Thomas Jones His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unkown/Charlie Mood His/Her SteamID: Unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished: Its clear from the video, he CDM/RDM me for no reason at all, and is clearly a firefighter Evidence (Demo Required)...
  11. Thomas

    Mohammad Family Applications

    -IG Name: Thomas Jones -OOC Name: Thomas -OOC Age: 16 -Amount of Hours In-Game: 16 days -Amount of RP experience: 3 years on various different server -Previous org experience (if any): About 3 other orgs unknown names -How many days a week can you be IG: Everyday -What can you bring to...
  12. Thomas


    First of all who was saying lets raid farm - in front of many NPC's. But yes I +Support he drove his car right into you unless he can prove something like lag etc then there is a reason but from now i +Support
  13. Thomas

    AR On Chelsea Steele

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Thomas_White14 - Thomas Jones His/Her Steam/In-game Name: XxX[MLG]Mr.Pooper360XxX - Chelsea Steele His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33572196 Why Should This Player Be Punished: As you will see from the video i had her gunpointed as a officer as she was near where the...
  14. Thomas

    Guns N' Blaze it

    In real life you pay lets say 100$ to enter the range and you can rent a gun with about 100 bullets - its the same for lets say paintball and airsoft where you pay 25$ to enter the field and you can pay 10-15 $ to rent a gun with 1000 bullets
  15. Thomas

    AR on ItzPvpPlayz

    I think if you are asking for a refund you should also make A RR instead of just on this thread. Delete if I'm wrong
  16. Thomas

    Bruce West

    +Support User clearly broke 2.1 and 3.4 - 2.1 because when would you ever see someone walk into a store while a officer has a gun pointed at him telling them to leave the area 3.4 because as Chris said he was risking his life by picking it up
  17. Thomas

    Dommy Doman

    + Support The user clearly broke 2.1 and as Teemo said he could also have broke 3.4 as again it could have ended in his life being ended as it could have been seen as a threat to a officers life leaving the officer no choice but to shot
  18. Thomas

    I'm back.

    Welcome Back Mate
  19. Thomas

    Merryweather Security applications

    (IC section) Full name: Thomas Jones Age: 35 Nationality: Irish Do you have any car/other vehicle: Yes I Do Are you able to conduct in a suitable manner when working with us: Yes I Am As A Retired Cop I Can. Are you experienced with firearms: I have been a cop since I was 18 with 17 years...
  20. Thomas


    Jesus xD was not ready to get a reply like that xD. Im using bandi cam but having issues as my game goes straight to full screen so it wont record it
  21. Thomas


    Every time I try to say upload a demo to YouTube I cant because it is not the correct file. Any ideas what file I need to convert it into so i can upload it to youtube
  22. Thomas

    5.1 Mugging

    Tbh i only saw how old this is amm please just delete my comment
  23. Thomas

    5.1 Mugging

    But would you not be putting your life at risk by leaving the person you let alive knowing what you look like
  24. Thomas

    AR on ISIS Lieutenant

    I would also like to add, This LT has also been demoting people for no reason other then responding to what he asks and when they ask him why he is demoting them he just says misconduct. He done this to ONLY ONE person leaving 5 others who were swearing etc using the /radio away with it.
  25. Thomas

    EMS/Medic Whitelist

    Now I know some will say this is too hard to do etc but please just listen and you will understand. Now yes as you can see I am a "Newbie" but i still see it a lot when on the server. Now i understand that their can only be a max of 4 medics at one time when the slots are maxed but maybe after...
  26. Thomas

    Practise shooting

    People dont really know about it tbh