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  1. abdul21

    AR on IZ

    You realise that you pretty much killed us both over the fact that you stole the gun. I don’t think it’s reasonable to shoot an officer and a medic because you stole a gun. “Any person may use a justifiable amount of force proportionate to a threat if they reasonably believe that such force...
  2. abdul21

    AR on IZ

    If there were 10 cops on it would’ve been a different story would it not? You can’t just go around killing everything because you’re aware that there’s only 20 people on and unlikely there’s another medic or other officers. You waited less than 15 seconds after the medic goes in before walking...
  3. abdul21

    AR on IZ

    I still don’t see why that’d be the case. Someone’s friend defending them makes complete sense. You know what’s a lot easier than just pulling out a gun and shooting everything? Saying “I killed someone because they were attacking my friend”. Instead you killed an officer and a medic which would...
  4. abdul21

    AR on IZ

    Your Steam/In-game Name: bollond/Elijah Suleimani His/Her Steam/In-game Name: IZ/Carl Johnston His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56013197 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Someone attacked Natalie Paquette, so IZ killed them, which is pretty reasonable. He decided to not report the crime despite...
  5. abdul21

    Bug Report - weapons not sent back to storage

    Lost an AK-74U, put it on sale and when I rejoined today it's not in storage. Everything else I had on sale was in storage except for the ak.
  6. abdul21

    oopsie :shamefullyembarrased:

    oopsie :shamefullyembarrased:
  7. abdul21

    AR on STEAM_0:1:53887898

    I think he also killed someone else as there was a body at intersection moaning during the firefight.
  8. abdul21

    AR on STEAM_0:1:53887898

    Your Steam/In-game Name: bollond/Elijah Suleimani His/Her Steam/In-game Name: dont know His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53887898 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Seemed to be mass RDMing or trying to. Heard them shooting at intersection and then when I drove up they started shooting my car and...
  9. abdul21

    Change rule 4.4

  10. abdul21

    Change rule 4.4

    The rule specifically states impound/boot. No mentioning of towing. Didn’t say I wanted to, he warned me for pissing about hence I followed the rule, or at least I thought I was. Police car parked horizontally blocking two cars in at bazaar and all officers are dead, and the rule doesn’t say...
  11. abdul21

    Change rule 4.4

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 4.4 - road crew workers Your version of the rule: include that just hooking a vehicle up is not allowed without permission from a police officer. Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: I was taken aside by administrator blackdown rightfully as I...
  12. abdul21

    ar on fatgeorge

    @Suspine if you’re saying it’s realistic that you’d murder someone because they called your friend a pussy, that’s cool
  13. abdul21

    ar on fatgeorge

    @Suspine no, I said I had 33 dollars. George wasn’t even in the shop or involved at all, just sitting outside. I didn’t once speak to him or insult him
  14. abdul21

    ar on fatgeorge

    In real life if I had two armed men walk into my house, look around and then walk out without doing anything, I’d be pretty impressed at their self control
  15. abdul21

    ar on fatgeorge

    You didn’t mug me, you just walked in looked around and walked out. called you pussies for not mugging me
  16. abdul21

    ar on fatgeorge

    @Kempotent would it not be 3.4 to kill someone for no reason, other than they offered to give you 33 dollars and called you a pussy for not taking it? or is it okay to commit thoughtless crimes because you know there’s no police on
  17. abdul21

    ar on fatgeorge

    @Kempotent rather ambiguous if he’s telling me to call him a pussy again. and there was no gunpoint, he pulls it out halfway through saying it and I’d already stopped by then
  18. abdul21

    ar on fatgeorge

    @FatGeorge For example, it is not acceptable to: Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.
  19. abdul21

    ar on fatgeorge

    @Kempotent he pulled his gun out halfway through telling me to call him a pussy again. by which point I’d stopped.
  20. abdul21

    ar on fatgeorge

    Want to watch the video? First off, you told me to call you it again, and you gave me less than half a second to react, as I was shot within half a second after you finished speaking
  21. abdul21

    ar on fatgeorge

    No one had a problem with it. I asked if they wanted my 33 dollars and called them pussies because they didn’t take it. everyone else walked off except George who just wanted to fire his gun for any reason possible
  22. abdul21

    ar on fatgeorge

    Your Steam/In-game Name: bollond/Elijah Suleimani His/Her Steam/In-game Name: FatGeorge/George Wolf His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:108264788 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 - had 4 of them break into my shop, came to look inside to see if there were drugs. I called them pussies and asked if...
  23. abdul21

    ar on nutrient man

    Your Steam/In-game Name: battyman123/Jonathan Porter His/Her Steam/In-game Name: nutrient11, nutrient12 His/Her SteamID: STEAM_1:1:61037935, STEAM_0:0:100940387 Why Should This Player Be Punished: nutrient12 came on late and went as rc, driving into people and then disconnecting and...
  24. abdul21

    Car wrecked

    Your in-game name: Jonathan Porter Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:81090950 What do you need refunded: Car repair Why do you want your item(s) refunded: My car was parked directly outside the pd, i come back a while later to find it's gone, I then find out it's at the road crew station, about to run out...
  25. abdul21

    AR on Blue Face

    Felt my life was at risk, he was also in the middle of the road and was big fire behind me at farm. also didn't reverse over you, as you can see my car driving towards the ramp that goes to parker tunnel as your body rolls over. didn't intend to kill you just knock you over so i could escape.
  26. abdul21

    Broken Crowbar/Bobby

    I’m not sure if the dog Mini Cooper has ultimate crowbar protection but I tried breaking into two separate Minis and I attempted at least 6 times and it just didn’t work whereas on other cars costing upwards of 1 mil it was first or second attempt. is it anti sweater protection or is it just broken
  27. abdul21

    Green Street Elite "GSE"

    millwall millwall, fuck them all
  28. abdul21

    AR on daigestive

    lol meta why you say it in local
  29. abdul21

    AR on daigestive

    and I didn’t witness you kill him either, I can go earlier in the demo, by the time I arrived he was dead. also the medic didn’t even radio in anything, as opposed to on another body where they did.
  30. abdul21

    AR on daigestive

    didn’t say anything to the medic, who was my friend and just walked in. Guy was already dead so I don’t see a problem with stabbing him as it doesn’t do anything