ar on fatgeorge

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: bollond/Elijah Suleimani
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: FatGeorge/George Wolf
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:108264788
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 - had 4 of them break into my shop, came to look inside to see if there were drugs. I called them pussies and asked if they wanted my 33 dollars, they all walk out and then George comes to the door, asking me to call him a pussy again. Gave me about half a second after saying this to me before shooting me. As far as my reading ability goes, it appears the rule listed under 2.5 states that you can't shoot someone for calling you a pussy, and I had nowhere near enough to time to react to what he'd said, nor did I say it after he finished speaking.
Evidence (Demo Required):
calling him a pussy under gunpoint is 3.4? why would you insult them when they have a gun pointed to your head??
No one had a problem with it. I asked if they wanted my 33 dollars and called them pussies because they didn’t take it. everyone else walked off except George who just wanted to fire his gun for any reason possible
Want to watch the video? First off, you told me to call you it again, and you gave me less than half a second to react, as I was shot within half a second after you finished speaking
@Kempotent rather ambiguous if he’s telling me to call him a pussy again. and there was no gunpoint, he pulls it out halfway through saying it and I’d already stopped by then
@Kempotent would it not be 3.4 to kill someone for no reason, other than they offered to give you 33 dollars and called you a pussy for not taking it? or is it okay to commit thoughtless crimes because you know there’s no police on
I don't think you understand what rule 3.4 means. This is a roleplay Server. You were just gun pointed in the back of your shop and on our way out you insulted us. In real life would you insult a heavily armed group of men who just mugged you?
You didn’t mug me, you just walked in looked around and walked out. called you pussies for not mugging me
In real life if I had two armed men walk into my house, look around and then walk out without doing anything, I’d be pretty impressed at their self control
@Suspine no, I said I had 33 dollars. George wasn’t even in the shop or involved at all, just sitting outside. I didn’t once speak to him or insult him
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