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  1. BillySavery

    Sorry asslick

    Sorry asslick
  2. BillySavery


  3. BillySavery

    Exam every 3 months

    I like this idea, the only tweak I would have done is making it more regular, I.e weekly, and have a particular group of people changing the questions. For example the supervisors could take it in turns on different weeks and if you fail the questions then you are blacklisted until the new set...
  4. BillySavery

    Staff Team

    Yeah someone was on my account, I actually hate the staff team.
  5. BillySavery

    Recommending The Staff Team

    Tldr; Reece isn't funny
  6. BillySavery

    Recommending The Staff Team

    Hey guys! I just want to make a BIG shoutout to the staff team, you guys are doing an amazing job and are keeping the community free of any minges, rule-breakers and in general any bad pea's in the pod. You probably don't get enough thank you's for your hard-work and dedication to the server...
  7. BillySavery

    Returning. Hello!

    Good to see members of our favourite competitors joining back! Make sure you don't bring Leyer back with you and I never got to thank you for the shitty warning last year, cheers!
  8. BillySavery


    I thought it was really good up until it got unrealistic...
  9. BillySavery

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Moderator mein alter Freund

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Moderator mein alter Freund
  10. BillySavery

    [SOLVED] Where has the shoutbox gone?

    So why has one been banned from the shoutbox without being notified? (On phone) @MoronPipllyd Is there no reason anywhere? Can I be unbanned then? @MoronPipllyd Need to get your staff team in check, can't be doing this. @MoronPipllyd No comment, I'm not going to be nasty towards you.
  11. BillySavery

    [SOLVED] Where has the shoutbox gone?

    Don't know where to post this... I've been banned for a week (Kek) and my shoutbox has randomly disappeared. Did it disappear because I was banned or?.. have I been banned from the shoutbox? Is this a feature? Does my PC hate me?Does my forum account hate me? Does question after question help...
  12. BillySavery

    Good times..good times.

    Good times..good times.
  13. BillySavery

    Evo VS. Paralake

    Reading this has upset me since I miss city shops so much. Office was also Fucking amazing and glass co and Parker and just everything was amazing and so organised and immersive
  14. BillySavery

    Inactivity notice/maybe leaving

    No one here has any "real" friends but just remember, a famous guy I knew called BullyReece, once said "it is not just a server it is a community"
  15. BillySavery


  16. BillySavery

    Meet Marcus.

  17. BillySavery


    It's not a council house, we pay a mortgage. :(:(:(:(:(
  18. BillySavery


    I wondered who fucking done this and then I saw @Krinkles rate it creative. I am not sorry for being a massive nob or gayboy and if you have the privilege of having Krinkles round your house do not leave your PC on because apparently he is still in year 9.
  19. BillySavery


    I'd like to apologise for being a massive nob and somewhat of a huge gayboy. Sorry lads.
  20. BillySavery

    Counter Strike with Peter the Prophet

    That headshot kill at 1:03 is tragic.
  21. BillySavery

    Invalid Mugging Refund Request

    I would just like to add in a little point here. You say you were mugged in daylight and you have to take in to account that although it is daytime but because of the clouds it looks like it is going to rain and it does look fairly dark. Now if this was IRL no one would be at a park during the...
  22. BillySavery

    Post your "most collected" items

    270 Metal
  23. BillySavery

    Favorite Police Film's

    A good TV show I saw a few years back that got cancelled after the first series is Flashforward. Here is the trailer
  24. BillySavery

    Boyle The Squeeker

    "Oi Boyle, Boyle, Boyle, Boyle, Boyle, thr-throw the molotov in that room....throw the molotov in this room, do it!"
  25. BillySavery

    How R00d

    How R00d
  26. BillySavery

    My PC project

    Why you overclocking your GPU?
  27. BillySavery

    Just a Quick Recommendation.

    This is only for people who I think are Enforcer material and are active enough. @JohnRiddle @Venomine @Creepis @LordTyla @Hazza56 @Lamar - OOC. @Imperial Watch @Spadille @AyJay @Torvald @Miami @Puma123 @Brian Husky That is all I can think of, use this in your future Enforcer apps if you...
  28. BillySavery

    GoodBye to the biggest dick on the server.

    Hate to say it but I am gone. I have spent around 26 days of my life on this server. It hurts me a lot but I met some great people. I think I could fill the server with the amount of people I have to thank for giving me laughs and hours of fun. If I could be bothered I would give my 2 million...
  29. BillySavery

    PassiveRP - Discussion

    It isn't the fact that anyone isn't interested it is because like many people have said, there isn't a proper advantage to it if you're not finding it funny or earning money from it. I agree with Stomper though. CriminalRP isn't being carried out properly without people breaking rules. Both...
  30. BillySavery

    BR on Lamar

    "cops cops" Me: "Cuntzzzzz" The reason why you was shot is because a number of reasons. You are a "crime" family, so obviously we have to take that as hostile as possible, you do drugs and you carry guns (We were not wrong, you or a friend dropped a glock) Lamar knew you guys IC he didn't...