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150th day at work in Paralake Fire Dept. Yeah it's a small amount of time but I'm the 3rd firefighter to reach this mark as we barely get any fires in Paralake. I walked up to Paul as he was cooking breakfast for our team of 4 people. I said: "So It's your last day in here?" he answered: "Yes. I've been here for 3 years and now its time to retire." -"sad to hear. so what's for breakfast today?" I couldn't get a reply since we heard a loud BOOM and then the radio said: "Engine 1, Chief 1, respond to explosion at the car dealer", -"Engine 1, Chief 1, 10-4, responding." we rushed onto the scene as we saw 12 parts on fire scattered all across the car dealer. We had one rookie with us, and he accidentally poured water from his hose while it was facing the ground, so the rookie flew up into space. While flying he extinguished the fire though, but we had to call NASA to get him down. After that we identified the car: it was a yellow sports car. This week after Paul retired, we had many explosions of yellow cars, but no fires. NASA's services were expensive so we extinguished them the traditional way. END OF PROLOGUE
This book is dedicated to Paul Beck, AKA @Mannerwaffel
By the way, to all the people thinking "Why a yellow sports car?" He means Alex's ugly lamborghini. Rip.
Apparently, using the water hose when facing the ground flies you up to space.

Chapter 1: Some Fires, Weeks without Paul, rookie learns how to use the hose
Multiple days passed after the carbomb week, the rookie finally learned how to use the hose. Meanwhile I took the Chief post since I've been here for 150 days, which is more than others. We had a structure fire in suburbs. I was the first to walk in. I saw a line of purple smoke going out and yelled "RUN!" A second after i crossed he doorway the house exploded and I fell down onto the ground. I woke up at the hospital, my fellow firefighters were waiting for me with a cake. "Welcome back, Dmitrii!" They said, I asked them: -"what happened?" -"you saved us and civilians from meth explosion, you got knocked out by the blast though." I felt ok, seemed like I just got knocked out and nothing more. I jumped into my car and went to the suburbs. I saw black debris of the house. The floor was blue. It was sign of meth. I saw signs of yellow police tape. "Enough", I said and went back to the station. END OF CHAPTER 1
[DOUBLEPOST=1439757456,1439293536][/DOUBLEPOST]Chapter 2: The Forest.
Once there was a forest fire. We had info that it was caused by an explosion in hicktown. We had to go through the forest fast, since there may have been victims trapped. We had 3 aircrafts and 4 engines in use, all of them responded. Before Air Support could arrive, we had to clear up the farm. I went through the fire and inside the barn. I heard someone screaming. I went towards the sound and saw a child surrounded by fire. I placed him on my shoulders, with a fire extinguisher in my hand I was fighting the fire to get him to safety. Finally I got out and went towards the vehicles, the medics ran towards me. They took care of him while the aviation arrived, we started going through. Also from the other state we got a brand new fireproof vehicle and we evacuated victims using it, then fighting the fire. Eventually after 2 days of nonstop extinguishing we localized the fire. I went back through the forest ruins, 3 days ago the birds were singing there but now it's all dead. I saw the barn and the cows near it, the fire didn't get them. Everyone survived, and that's the main thing. We went back to the station and I wrote the summary down into the report.
Its a good story if you have not written one before, you will also have to learn how to write probably because you cant have dialogue in the same line. And also the fact that one chapter is less than 600 words.