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  1. BillySavery

    I am sorry, so sorry, here is ur recommendation, ur the best mod. #Gorden4Admin

    I am sorry, so sorry, here is ur recommendation, ur the best mod. #Gorden4Admin
  2. BillySavery

    Chris The Moderator.

    I am more than happy to say that I think Chris is the best mod that you have in the staff team. Absolutely outstanding roleplay, takes everything seriously and is very creative with some of his RP. For instance, he used Subs 3 as a detention centre and put Lewis Doman in there for 6 minutes and...
  3. BillySavery

    Garret Woodfield's how to use police radio 101

    So that is what 13 year old Norwegians do :kappa:
  4. BillySavery

    BR on Sky-Walker

    Right okay, I am going to give my honest opinion on this, in no way possible is this biased because Walker is in my org. (Like that would matter anyway, this is an OOC situation) For starters Eddie, I feel that you are very disrespectful to Standish to reopen this post. You're pretty much...
  5. BillySavery

    Internet Speeds
  6. BillySavery

    Sorted out IC, please remove

    Close this thread please, The user took the opportunity to find me in game and understands what he done wrong, he then apologised and promised to keep 3.3 in mind.
  7. BillySavery

    Garrett Woodfield Apology

    Mentioning SparkRP or SparkPerp is causing problems for Alex, although he done wrong, it doesn't mean you can break rules (Causing problems, 1.4 on the server and rule 4, I think, on the forums)
  8. BillySavery

    Ban request on Garett Woodfield and Amy Belinsky

    // on mobile// You're wrong. If the police are doing their job properly they would be patrolling the "mugging areas" nothing to do with 5.1. Also, don't cause problems (1.4) by mentioning SparkPerp. In terms of the ban request, mugging someone at the bazaar parking lot is a little "failRP"...
  9. BillySavery

    Sorted out IC, please remove

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Billy Savery/Billy Belinsky His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Flying Bird/Phillip Stiffler His/Her SteamID: Edit it in after Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.3 (Running and jumping round a corner in a gunfight and crouching half way shooting) At tick 52000, you...
  10. BillySavery

    Thomas George & Homer

    I recommend Thomas George and Homer. About a month ago I spent about half hour with Homer and Thomas George in Thomas's bogey colored van and they are two of the funniest people to spend half hour with and not get bored of. I think at one point Thomas tied someone to a chair and pushed him off...
  11. BillySavery

    Refund request

    Don't forget to mention there wasn't any admins on to help you.
  12. BillySavery

    Refund request famas - cdm

    Can buy one off me for 5.5K :kappa:
  13. BillySavery

    Royal British Mafia

    Since Tyla and Harry have moved over to the Belinsky's and now you have just openly admitted to killing one of them, I will make sure you are dealt with accordingly, you are now on my list and I will be seeing you shortly sir.
  14. BillySavery

    The Belinsky Family

    All I'm seeing here is slander and irrelevant photos? I don't understand, are you trying to flame a war? I think you should speak with your leaders first before posting disrespectfully. I don't think Jimmy luciano would agree to this.
  15. BillySavery

    Yoddo Ban request

    + support, there wasn't a reason to shoot him over 4K! The only clear reason here why you killed him was because you got a little greedy and wanted his AK.
  16. BillySavery

    I can't believe I haven't done this yet!

    Hi Jon gorden, hope to see you in game
  17. BillySavery

    I can't believe I haven't done this yet!

    In case anyone is new to the server or anyone who is a veteran and doesn't know me I thought I would add this whilst I have ten minutes spare. So my IC name is Billy Belinsky, I have been on the server since around the end of 2013, beginning of 2014. I fell in love straight away with the server...
  18. BillySavery

    Recommend me some WW1/WW2 games?

    Brothers in arms without a doubt.
  19. BillySavery

    The Belinsky Family

    //on mobile// Oh Stomper, we all find it very hard to take threats from you seriously. Especially since you're only doing it now you're in an org of about 10 people because let's face it, you wouldn't threaten us with your new orgs you make on a monthly basis because you can only afford to pay 3...
  20. BillySavery

    What do you do?

    I work full time, Monday to Friday, unfortunately. :(
  21. BillySavery

    Increase jail time

    As many other people have mentioned there are too many flaws in this. One of them being the fact that Fredy/Stephen will have to implement a food system in. Also the Afk timer too. Not just that, I am not having some silly little 13 year old put me in prison for 18 minutes for doing a red light...
  22. BillySavery

    Bye everyone

    Well I mean, you're being a baby about it. You deserve it look at these screen shots of rules you broke because you was ass mad.
  23. BillySavery

    Small Update 09/05/2015

    Got a reason to make a DarkRP tower now
  24. BillySavery

    The Cassos Applications

    Are you fucking shitting me you cheeky cunt
  25. BillySavery

    Favourite beer appreciation thread.

  26. BillySavery

    Something to watch if you're bored

    On the Third video, I am so glad you got that little clip of when I took the cop out at Regal 4 with my M24! :laughcry:
  27. BillySavery

    Swiper's resig- inactivity notice

    You got one week to come back and resume activity otherwise you're demoted and I am taking over. :kappa:
  28. BillySavery

    I love a dolphin, me

    I love a dolphin, me
  29. BillySavery

    Me and you sexy time

    Me and you sexy time
  30. BillySavery

    Perpheads Staff Questionnare

    Matt, I left the name at the bottom of my "areas to improve" but I don't know if it submitted could you just confirm it for me?