I can't believe I haven't done this yet!

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United Kingdom
In case anyone is new to the server or anyone who is a veteran and doesn't know me I thought I would add this whilst I have ten minutes spare.

So my IC name is Billy Belinsky, I have been on the server since around the end of 2013, beginning of 2014. I fell in love straight away with the server even though it was the first serious RP server I played on. I had a brief inactive period from October till the end of January and I managed to convince Bloom (Krinkles) and BullyReece (Dave Davidson/Reece Davidson) to come back to the server.

When I first started I was in an org that the Two created called Prestige Worldwide. We was apart of that for a brief period until we got invited into the Belinsky's around March time, I was very active in them following months, eventually taking down the German Mafia and Hitmen Royale and some others.

The Belinsky's disbanded in my period of inactivity and I joined the Armenian Mafia for a short period until I left for PTP until the Belinsky's just got remade. (All in all, I am a die hard Belinsky and have always been where they have been)

IC I am quite angry a lot and arrogant and have always been like that, quite rude too. I tend to be quite friendly OOC and on the forums and help out where I can. If someone starts to QQ that is when I get a little unfriendly. I love a bit of banter because overall this is a game.

If you ever feel like speaking to me OOC wise then my steam name is BillySavery. My IC number is 200-4395 but please don't call me if we haven't met IC because that would be unrealistic. Also my Snapchat is BillySavery, dik piks are accepted.

Just remember it is a game.